英语人>网络例句>蒙 相关的搜索结果

与 蒙 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mary Hays was the wife of William Hays, an artilleryman who fought in the Battle of Monmouth during the Revolutionary War.


He tries to talk to a large Aryan brother who rejects him with the condemnation,"You're a disgrace to your skin."


Now Ghana is a bit of a different story as there has not been much political turmoil there but historically Ghana's producing regions have been controlled by AngloGold Ashanti, and more recently Newmont has come in. It's just for the past few years that some of the juniors are starting to work in Ghana.


In 2004, a Russian scientist working on an Ebola vaccine died after pricking her hand with a syringe, while in April 2005, a pandemic strain of Asian flu was released by a laboratory in America after it was accidentally put into test kits sent to scientists around the world.


My feeling shows that my bad heart entre into the perfect comfort,which is similar with asphodel after summer and fall,repeatly immerge into the purified water,feel as if thinker is comfortable and passion.


We also discussed Syria, and I was encouraged enough by what Shimon said to call President Assad and ask him to see Warren Christopher about it.


You're the hooded assailant and I've a gun in my mouth.


The uncertainty over Mr Wilson's future will also cast a shadow over today's dual listing of the UK life assurer in Hong Kong and a secondary listing in Singapore.


Under the two preceding kings, Amon and Manasse, idolatry had been introduced in the most shameful forms (especially the cult of Baal and Astarte) into the Holy City, and with this foreign cult came a foreign culture and a great corruption of morals.

根据前两次的国王,阿和manasse ,偶像崇拜已推出,在最可耻的形式(尤其是邪教的巴力和阿斯塔特)进入圣城,以及与此外国邪教来到一个外国的文化和伟大的腐败,道德。

We are called to be God's hands ato those in need.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
