英语人>网络例句>葡萄糖 相关的搜索结果


与 葡萄糖 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nutrition information Serving size:38.8g in 20ml of water Serves per can:23 Prepared food Avg Qty Per Serve % Daily intake per serve Avg qty per 100ml Major nutrients Energy Protein Carbohydrate -sugars -lactose -dextrose -sucrose -unavailable CHO Dietary Fibre -FOS Sodium Fats Fats-total -Saturated -Trans -Monounsaturated -Polyunsaturated -Total Omega3 -ALAa -VLC Omega3 -DHAb -EPAct -DPAdt Vitamins and minerals Vitamin A Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Thiamin (B1) Riboflavin (B2) Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12# Niacin (B3) Folic Acid Vitamin C Calcium Iodine Iron Phosphorous Magnesium Zinc

营养信息服务大小: 38.8克在二〇毫升水每次可以提供: 23 准备食物数量平均每个服务%,每日摄入量每服务平均数量每100毫升主要营养素能源蛋白质碳水化合物-糖乳糖一葡萄糖蔗糖,无法町膳食纤维- fos基因钠油脂油脂总饱和反,单,多总计Omega3 ,阿拉,可变长编码Omega3 - DHAb - EPAct - DPAdt 维生素和矿物质维生素A 维生素D3 维生素E 硫胺素( B1 )核黄素(素B2 )维生素B6 维生素B12 #烟酸( B3的)叶酸维生素C钙碘铁磷镁锌

Advertisement of the believe what one hears before be admitted to hospital, do not listen to doctor advice, the person that take the medicaments that advertisement publicizes 4 . The 1.2 methods that monitor use dynamic blood sugar of MINIMED of beautiful honest force to monitor appearance, the following abdomen or epigastrium insert a dot for probe, the 72 H that monitor or longer chroma of dextrose of the fluid between the cell, daily input 4~6 second value of blood sugar pointing to blood, by him patient or the doctor helps an input or record big event (dine, motion, with medicine and other), monitor 1, 2, each download record result 1 times when 3 D. After logger of plan of cure of 1.3 attune punish records 24h, its information downloads, according to trend of blood sugar wave motion, adjust remedial plan. After 48 H, download 1 times again, if blood sugar stability amounts to mark, adjust remedial plan no longer, like blood sugar cannot satisfaction amounts to mark, offer tone punish cure program again, after 72 H, its information complete download.

入院前听信广告,不听医生劝告,服用广告宣传的药物者4例。1.2监测方法采用美敦力MINIMED动态血糖监测仪,以下腹部或上腹部为探头插入点,监测72 h或更长时间细胞间液葡萄糖浓度,每日输入4~6次指血血糖值,由患者本人或医生帮助输入或记录大事件(进餐、运动、用药及其它),监测1、2、3 d时各下载1次记录结果。1.3调整治疗方案记录器记录24h后,将其信息下载,根据血糖波动趋向,调整治疗方案。48 h后,再下载1次,如血糖稳定达标,则不再调整治疗方案,如血糖不能满足达标,则再给予调整治疗方案,72 h后,将其信息完整下载。

Ordinary students as the supplement control group were selected at random. 9g pyruvate calcium capsules were taken twice a day in supplement control and supplement and training group. At the same time, equipollent glucose capsules were compensated to training control group. The trail lasted for 21 days, during which athletes'training was normal.

根据体重将男子散手运动员均衡地分为两组:运动对照组(training control,简称tc组)和补充丙酮酸运动组(supplement control,简称sc组),两组研究对象的运动等级及训练情况基本相同,每周训练20小时以上;将体院大学生作为补充丙酮酸对照组(supplement and training,简称st组)。sc组和st组每天分两次补充9克丙酮酸钙;tc组补充等量葡萄糖,实验持续21天。

While massage can be slow intramuscular injection or intravenous bolus injection of oxytocin 10U (adding 20ml10%~ 25% glucose fluids), followed by intramuscular or intravenous injection of ergometrine 0.2mg (to fill with those who have heart disease).


Spherical yeast OS-194 is an only erythritol production osmophilic yeast. 10 percent of glucose ,0.5 g/dL for yeast extract and 0.1 g/dL for urea were the best components of medium,which obtained high erythritol yield by OS-194.The optimum culture conditions were 35℃,150 rpm,and 4 d.

球拟酵母OS-194是一株单产赤藓糖醇的耐高渗酵母,该菌株高产赤藓糖醇的最佳培养基配方为:葡萄糖10 g/dL,酵母膏0.5 g/dL,尿素0.1 g/dL。

The erythritol is produced industrially by Zhongshi Gerui biotechnology Co., Ltd., Zibo by means of utilizing Candida lipolyti developed by China Food Fermentation Industry Inst. And with the preservation number of CGMCC No.1431 as the high erythritol yield spawn and deep liquid fermentation of glucose. The erythritol is used as functional sweetening agent in sugar substitute for diabetics, low calorie sugar, low calorie beverage, low calorie cake, low calorie candy, low calorie milk product, etc.

具体是指淄博中食歌瑞生物技术有限公司与开发出赤藓糖醇高产菌种――解脂假丝酵母 Candida lipolytic 的中国食品发酵工业研究院合作,利用保藏编号为 CGMCC No.1431的解脂假丝酵母 Candida lipolytica 菌种,用葡萄糖深层液态发酵,工业规模制取的赤藓糖醇;作为功能性甜味剂,在下述产品中的应用:糖尿病人代用糖,低热量佐餐用糖,低热量饮料,低热量糕点,低热量糖果,低热量奶制品和低热量冰激淋或低热量雪糕或低热量冰糕。

Leading industries of biological, chemical and nano-materials, the main products have erythritol, glucose, sodium, soy oligosaccharide-peptide, refined clothing acid, itaconic anhydride, kojic acid, kojic acid derivatives, arbutin, Calcium Citrate , sodium citrate, Apple sodium, potassium citrate, nano zirconia, long-chain dicarboxylic acid, and efficient water treatment agent non-phosphorus.


It isconfirmed now HIF can regulate erythropoiesis, iron metabolism,angiopoiesis and metabolism of glucose and so on. Meanwhile as theprogression of the research on HIF-1α, it also has close relation with various kinds of mechanisms of cell growth.


The result of biochemical test with SS2: such as glucose, ribose, mannitol, mannitose,D-glucitol, lactose, gossypose, arabinose, esculin, hippurate, starch, arginine, MR, VP.


These two isolates presented typical characteristics of Streptococcus iniae with gram-positive cocci in chains, catalase negative and beta-hemolytic, growth under 10℃ and non-growth up 45 ℃, hydrolyzation of esculin and arginine, Voges-Proskauer, urease, and hippurate tests negative, fermentation of glucose, salicin, sucrose and starch, non-fermentation of arabinose, inulin, lactose, melibiose, raffinose and sorbitol.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
