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与 葡糖 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We investigated constituent of triterpenoid saponins ofAlbizzia, two new compounds together with two known compounds were isolated from Albizzia julibrissin Durazz. by using column chromatography (macroreticular resin, silica gel, Sephadex gel, reverse phase silica gel),preparative HPLC methods et al.On the basis of spectroscopic analysis, including IR,ESI-MS,~1H-NMR,~(13)C-NMR,HMBC,HMQC,~1H-~1HCOSY and chemical methods, the structure of two new compounds were identified as 3 - O -[β-D-xylopyranosyl(1→2)-β-D-fucopyranosyl (1→6)-β- D -2- deoxy - 2 - acetoamidoglucopyranosyl] -21-O-[(6S)-2- trans- 2,6-dimethyl - 6 - O-β- D - quinovopyranosyl -2,7- octadienoyl] - acacic acid- 28 - O-β-D-glucopyranosyl(1→3)[α-L-arabinofuranosyl(1→4)]-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl(1→2)-β-D-glucopyranoside acacic acid 3- O -β- D- glucopyranosy(1→3)-β- D- fucopyranosl(1→6) [β-D- xylopyranosyl (1→2)]-β-D-glucopyranoside ;two known compounds were acacic acid lactone 3- O -β-D- xylopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-fucopyranosl (1→6)- 2-deoxy -2 -acetoamido -β-D- glucopyranoside ; acacic acid lactone 3- O-β-D-xylopyranosyl(1→2)-α-L- arabinopyranosl (1→6)- 2- deoxy - 2- acetoamido -β-D-glucopyranoside . The study lays chemical foundation and chemical reference substance for enhancing quality standard of Albizzia julibrissin Durazz.


BFEPP has a designed productive capacity of 30,000 standard tons each year, a production level well ahead of its domestic counterparts. Now BFEPP has 11 lines of products, including amylase765, basified protease2709, neutral protease1398, acid protease, pullulanase, cellulase, pectinase, carbohydrase,β-glucans, biological pesticide, intermediate-temperature amylase element and high-temperature amylase element.


The HPLC methods for analysis of N--ribitylxylidine and N-methyl glucamine were established. After optimizing the operation conditions, the principal product and main impurities were well separated. And they were determined by LC-MS. The operation condition of N--ribitylxylidine is, columniation temperature is 30℃, flow rate is 0.7mL/min, UV wave is 244nm, the mobile phase is methanol: water=40: 60 .


It has unique substrate specificity, and required minimal sugar chain in the degradation direction and synthesis direction of trisaccharide and disaccharide separately.


Oligosaccharides in these samples were hydrolyzed into glucose and mannose form with the optimized conditions, and the contents of β-Glucan and Mannan Oligosaccharides were calculated by the concentration of each monosaccharide.


Malt extract, kolbach index, diastatic power and malt viscosity are the major traits closely related to the quality of malt barley, and they themselves are dominantly affected by carbohydrates, protein content and their components, and the relevant enzymes in grains.


The results indicated that GLP was a linear (1→3)β-D-Glcp main chain linkage. Its monosaccharide component was predominantly composed of D-Glc, and small amount of galactose, mannose, xylose and idose, residues of branches terminated with substituted at 1→6 by a small number of singleunit β-D-Glcp side-chains, it's also observed that the (1→3)-linked β-D-glucan contained a triple-helical conformation, which was composed of a repeating unit with a structure as below:.


Objective To establish a microwave heating method for the determination of sodium gluceptate and stannous chloride for injection.

目的 微波加热测定注射用亚锡葡庚糖酸钠中葡庚糖酸钠的含量。

These results, together with the structural elucidation of the purified polysaccharides described above, indicate that the α-glucans in G. lucidum don't have any remarkable immunomdulating activities, but the effects of β-glucans on immune system depend on their glycosyl residue linkages and sugar chain conformation. Further, it is concluded that the 1, 3-linked backbone, relative lower side chain size and substitution, and a high-organized helical structure are the beneficial structural features for the immunostimulatory activity of β-D-glucans. However, the 1, 6-linked backbone may induce the immunosuppressive effect of β-D-glucans.


And physicochemical procedures (molecular weight measurement, viscosity analysis, etc.). All glycans (polysaccharides and peptidoglycan) were found as glucans, but each glucan has its specific sugar chain structure, including glycosyl reside linkages and sugar chain conformation.


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