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与 萨萨里 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Deacon: Of Paul and Anthony of Egypt, Hilarion, Pachomius, Columba, Giles, Benedict, the Venerable Bede; of Kevin, Brendan, Leobardus the Recluse, and Vulfolaic; of Seraphim of Sarov and John of Kronstadt; of Mary of Egypt, Scholastica, Hilda of Whitby, Gertrude, Genevieve, Brigid of Kildare; Radegonde, Clothilde, Killeedy of Limerick and of all the holy hermits, monks and nuns.

迪肯:保罗和安东尼,埃及,伊拉里,帕科谬斯,鸽,贾尔斯,笃,古老的比德;的凯文,海伍德, Leobardus的隐逸,并Vulfolaic ;的塞拉芬的萨罗夫和约翰喀琅施塔得;玛丽埃及, Scholastica ,希尔达的惠特,格特鲁德,热,布里吉德的电影;拉德贡德,克洛蒂尔德, Killeedy的利默里克和所有神圣的隐士,僧侣和尼姑。

Kingsley Amis Lucky Jim Arnold Bennett The Old Wiveds'Tale Elizabeth Bowen The Death of the Hear Emily Bronte Wuthering HGeights Anthony Burgess A Clockwordk Orange Samuel BVutler The Way of All Flesh A.S.Byatt Possession Angela Carter The Com pany of Wolves Agatha Christie Mdurder on the Orient Express Ivy Compton-Burnett A Fdamily and a Fortune Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe Charles Dickens David Copperfield Sir Arthur C. Ddyle Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Margaret Drabble The Waterfall Daphne Du Maurier Rebecca George Eliot Middlemarch E.M.FGorster Howards End, A Passage to India John Fowles The French Lieutenant's Woman John Galsworthy The Man of Property William Golding Lord of the Flies Graham Greene The Human Factor Aldous Huxley After Many a Summer Henry James Daisy Miller James Joyce A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Rudyard Kipling Kim John Le Carred The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Doris Lessing The Grass Is Singing David Lodge Nice Work W.Somerset Maugham The Moon and Sixpence, Of Human Bondage Iris Murddoch The Black Prince George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-four Salman Rushdie Midnight Children Sir Walter Scott Ivanhoe C.P.Snow Thed Affair Muriel Spark The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island Johathan Swift Gulliver's Travels William M.Thackeray Vanity Fair Evelyn Waugh A Hand ful of Dust Oscar Wilde The Picture of Dorian Gray Virginia Woolf Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse

金斯利阿美族幸运的吉姆阿诺德本内特的岁Wiveds'Tale 伊丽莎白鲍恩的死亡听取艾米莉勃朗特呼啸山庄HGeights 安东尼伯吉斯阿Clockwordk橙色塞缪尔BVutler的方式对所有肉屈臣氏拥有Byatt 安吉拉卡特通信pany狼阿加莎克里斯蒂Mdurder东方快车常青藤普顿,伯内特和阿Fdamily财富丹尼尔笛福鲁滨逊漂流记狄更斯大卫科波菲尔爵士角Ddyle冒险的福尔摩斯玛格丽特德拉布尔瀑布达夫妮杜穆里埃丽贝卡乔治艾略特米德尔马契体育FGorster霍华德先生为此,印度之行约翰福尔斯法国中尉的女人约翰高尔斯华绥人的财产威廉戈尔丁蝇王格雷厄姆格林人的因素赫胥黎在许多夏天亨利詹姆斯黛西米勒詹姆斯乔伊斯的肖像艺术家的青年吉卜林金约翰乐Carred间谍谁排在从冷战多丽丝莱辛是基层唱歌戴维洛奇好工作美国毛姆月球和六便士,人类枷锁鸢尾Murddoch的黑王子乔治奥威尔19 84 拉什迪午夜儿童沃尔特斯科特爵士艾芬朱敬雪Thed内政穆里尔星火总理小姐布罗迪罗伯特路易斯史蒂文森金银岛 Johathan迅速格列佛游记威廉M萨克雷名利场伊夫林沃满手的灰尘奥斯卡王尔德的图片道林格雷弗吉尼亚伍尔夫达罗卫夫人,到灯塔

And the TV talk shows began to show more balance, as commentators like Greta Van Sustren and Susan Estrich, and guests like lawyers Lanny Davis, Alan Dershowitz, Julian Epstein, and Vincent Bugliosi made sure that both sides of the case were heard.


Thither the extremely large wains bring foison of the fields , flaskets of cauliflowers , floats of spinach , pineapple chunks , rangoon beans , strikes of tomatoes , drums of figs , drills of swedes , spherical potatoes and tallies of iridescent kale , york and savoy , and trays of onions , pearls of the earth , and punnets of mushrooms and custard marrows and fat vetches and bere and rape and red green yellow brown russet sweet big bitter ripe pomellated apples and chips of strawberries and sieves of gooseberries , pulpy and pelurious , and strawberries fit for princes and raspberries from their canes

用一辆辆巨大的敞篷马车载来的是田里丰饶的收获:装在浅筐中的花椰菜成车的菠菜,大块头的菠萝,仰光豆23 ,多少斯揣克24西红柿,盛在一只只圆桶里的无花果,条播的瑞典芜菁,球形土豆,好几捆约克种以及萨沃伊种彩虹色羽衣甘兰,还有盛在一只只浅箱里的大地之珍珠25 -葱头此外就是一扁篮一扁篮的蘑菇乳黄色食用葫芦饱满的大巢莱大麦和苔苔,红绿黄褐朽叶色的又甜又大又苦又熟又有斑点的苹果,装在一只只薄木匣里的杨梅,一粗筐一粗筐的醋栗。

At the core of the anti-Syrian coalition that's set to dominate the new parliament, is the Druze leader Walid Jumblatt. Like his political partner Saad al-Hariri, he too is nursing a bitter grudge against the Syrians.


At the amount of the anti-Syrian affiliation that's set to boss the new parliament, is the Druze baton Walid Jumblatt. Like his political accomplice Saad al-Hariri, he too is nursing a absinthian animosity adjoin the Syrians. In 1977, his ancestor Kamal, who was a left-wing and philosopher as able-bodied as the feudal baton of the Druze, fell out with Damascus.


As a first step, a team led by Chris Carilli of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Socorro, New Mexico, and Dominik Riechers of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena set about trying to establish whether black holes lead galaxy growth or vice versa.


The sun sets above the teepee field as music fans start to arrive at the Glastonbury Festival site at Worthy Farm, Pilton on June 24, 2009 in Glastonbury, Somerset, England.


Gibson's first "semi-acoustic" the ES-335, which was neither totally solid nor fully acoustic, is the guitar of choice used by many famous guitarists such as Andy Summers, Elvin Bishop, Lee Ritenour, Jay Graydon, Robben Ford, Freddie King, John McLaughin, Jimmy Page, Chuck Berry, Tony Mottola, Johnny Rivers, Jack Wilkins, Bono, Grant Green, Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Alvin Lee, BB King, Emily Remler, Otis Rush, Pete Townshend, John Lee Hooker, and Larry Carlton.

吉布森的第一个"半声"的ES - 335,这既不是完全稳固的,也不可能完全声,是由诸如安迪萨默,埃尔文主教,李莱特诺,杰伊格雷顿,罗本福特,弗雷德金许多著名吉他手使用的选择吉他约翰McLaughin,吉米佩奇,查贝里,托尼莫托拉,约翰尼河流,杰克威尔金斯,波诺,格兰特绿色,埃里克克莱普顿,史蒂维雷沃恩,阿尔文李,比比金,埃米莉Remler,奥的斯拉什,皮特汤森,约翰李胡克,和拉里卡尔顿。

Bernard of Tuscany and of Lombardy, approved by Alexander VI (1497); the Congregation of Portugal, or of Alcobaca, founded in 1507; the Congregation of the Feuillants, founded by John de la Barriere in 1563, which spread into France and Italy, the monasteries of Italy, however, eventually detaching themselves from those of France to form the Congregation of the Riformati di San Bernardo; the Congregation of Aragon, approved by a Bull of Paul V (1616); the Congregation of Rome, or of Central Italy, created by a Decree of Gregory XV in 1623; the Congregation of Calabria and Lucania, established by Urban VIII in 1633, and to which was united the old Congregation of Flore, which had for its founder Blessed Joachim surnamed "the Prophet".

该教会的庆祝圣伯纳德西班牙,创办的大教堂马丁的巴尔加斯,在1425年,在附近的蒙锡永托莱多;聚集的圣伯纳德的托斯卡纳和伦巴第大区,批准了亚历山大六世( 1497年);圣座葡萄牙,或阿尔科巴萨,成立於1507年;圣座的Feuillants ,成立由John德拉鲁阿巴里耶尔在1563年,它蔓延到法国和意大利,意大利的寺院,但最终脱离自己免受这些法国形成教会的Riformati圣贝尔纳多;圣座阿拉贡,批准了红牛的保五( 1616年);的罗马天主教,或中央意大利,创造了一项法令的格雷戈里在1623年十五;圣座的卡拉布里亚和卢卡尼亚设立城市第八於1633年,并是美国的旧教会的花神,它的创办人有福约阿希姆姓&先知&。

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
