英语人>网络例句>莎士比亚的 相关的搜索结果


与 莎士比亚的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thomas followed along with several other company members and a battle ensued between the two theatres; beginning with competing productions of Romeo and Juliet put on on the same day, 28 September, with rival settings by Arne and Boyce of processional dirges at the end of Shakespeare's play.

托马斯跟着其他几个公司的成员和战斗两个剧院随后,竞争开始制作的罗密欧与朱丽叶放在同一天,9月28日,由阿恩和游行的 dirges 博伊斯竞争对手设置在莎士比亚的结束玩。

Thomas followed along with several other company members and a battle ensued between the two theatres; beginning with competing productions of Romeo and Juliet put on on the same day, 28 September, with rival settings by Arne and Boyce of processional dirges at the end of Shakespeares play.

托马斯跟着其他几个公司的成员和战斗两个剧院随后,竞争开始制作的罗密欧与朱丽叶放在同一天,9月28日,由阿恩和游行的 dirges 博伊斯竞争对手设置在莎士比亚的结束玩。

Although many of the things the neoclassicists said about Shakespeare are wrong, they treated Shakespeare as a fellow craftsman and a human being capable of making mistakes.


Even before the two unauthorised sonnets appeared in The Passionate Pilgrim in 1599, Francis Meres had referred in 1598 to Shakespeare's "sugred Sonnets among his private friends".

甚至在1599年的《爱情的礼赞》中出现两首未经授权的商籁诗之前,Francis Meres于1598年曾提到莎士比亚的&在他私人朋友间的奔放的商籁诗&。

The French and Italian poets gave preference to the Italian form of sonnet—two groups of four lines, or quatrains (always rhymed a-b-b-a a-b-b-a) followed by two groups of three lines, or tercets (variously rhymed c-c-d e-e-d or c-c-d e-d-e)—which created a sonorous music in the vowel rich Romance languages, but in Shakespeare it is artificial and monotonous for the English language.

法国和意在利诗人优先使用意大利格式的商籁诗----两组四行诗(总是按a-b-b-a a-b-b-a的格式押韵)加上两组三行诗(按c-c-d e-e-d或 c-c-d e-d-e格式押韵),这就在元音丰富的罗马语言中产生了一种感人的音乐节奏,然而放在莎士比亚的英语作品里,就变得矫揉造作和枯燥单调。

However, the Laudian or Carolinian divines must not be supposed to have ever succeeded in driving out their Calvinistic rivals, so powerful when the Thirty-Nine Articles were drawn up, and known from Shakespeare's time as Puritans (see Malvolio in "Twelfth Night").

不过, laudian或carolinian divines绝不能假定有以往任何时候都成功地驾驶自己的calvinistic的对手,如此强大时, 39条制定的,和已知从莎士比亚的时间作为清教徒(见马伏里奥在&第十二夜&)。

You don't have to manage a perfect rhyme or a measured foot in a poem to be jumping from the inspiration of Shakespeare's sonnets, but having those rhythms and rhymes teetering in and out of the wrinkles in your brain will send a very subtle vibration of sound through your very own pieces.


Stratford-on-Avon , as we all know , has only one industry-William Shakespeare-but there are two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches.

Stratford-on-Avon ,正如我们知道的,只有一个莎士比亚的工业,但却有两个分离和日益增长的敌对的分支。

Shakespeare's mother Mary Arden was a daughter of the local gentry, holding extensive properties around Stratford-on-Avon in his name.


Richard II is one of Shakespeare's so-called "history" plays: It is the first part of a tetralogy, or four-part series, which deals with the historical rise of the English royal House of Lancaster.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
