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与 茶园 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tiffin MSc in Criminal Justice, with a concentration in Forensic Psychology, is an outstanding example of how the real world meets the classroom experience.


Tiffin MSc in Criminal Justice, with a concentration in Justice Administration, is an outstanding example of how the real world meets the classroom experi...


The average concentrations of CO and NO2 at the toll gates don't exceed the indoor and outdoor air quality standards except for the toll gate in Chongqing and Chayuan. One-hour average concentrations of outdoor and indoor THC are 7.728 mg/m3 and 7.216 mg/m3 respectively, and exceed ten times of the indoor air quality standard. One-hour average concentrations of indoor and outdoor PM10 change acutely respectively, and the their maximum concentrations are 0.631 mg/m3 and 0.217 mg/m3 which exceed indoor air quality standard and the second class of ambient air quality standard.

重庆站亭内外NO2和茶园站亭内外CO的小时平均浓度值超过环境空气二级标准,其它各收费亭内外NO2和CO的小时平均浓度均值未超过相关标准限值,其最高值均超过相关标准;各收费亭内外THC小时平均浓度均值分别达7.728 mg/m3和7.216 mg/m3,均超过标准限值10倍以上;收费亭内外PM10变化幅度较大,亭外均值0.217 mg/m3,高于环境空气质量二级标准,亭内最高值达0.631 mg/m3,是室内空气标准日均值标准限值的4.2倍。

There were in total 6 species of tea tussock moths in Yunnan tea plantations,while chief harm the leaves are Dasychira baibarana and D caperata and D glaucinoptera.


Research and practice has shown the necessity of establishing sprinkling irrigation project in the well-grown tea plantation in the drought area.


Such as Tea, Wheal, Potato, Rice, Vegetables….


In vitro inoculations were carried out in the laboratory and field to investigate the relationships between the infection of Colletotrichum camelliae and different leaf positions.


Patch characteristics indicated that the degree of fragmentation for the natural broadleaf forest was lower than for artificial landscapes of Phyllostachys pubescens, Cunninghamia lanceolata, and Camellia sinensis. Therefore, to maintain sustainable development in the region, and especially to enhance protection for the broadleaf forest matrix, intense human activity and tourism should be reduced.


Euproctis pseudoconspersa Strand, a nationwide important pest in tea garden, often causes huge economic loss, and the chemical pesticides easily brings on the problems such as pesticide residue and resistance.


Histrionism in bawdyhouse has different connotation and form compared with it in the teagarden.


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Each protein has its ownspecific function, bul its function is exerted only when it reacts or inieracts with other molecules in the living cells.


Since this polymorphism is distributed randomly during gamete formation, its association with stroke should not be biased or confounded.


Leisure package. Ice bag, and other export products enterprises.
