英语人>网络例句>茶园 相关的搜索结果


与 茶园 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Histrionism in bawdyhouse has different connotation and form compared with it in the teagarden.


In history, those which served tea to emperors higher-up officials were reputed as "imperial tea garden".


In history, those which served tea to emperors and higher-up officials were reputed as "imperial tea garden".


Camellia Brown Field which was built in the largest timber Menghai Brown field site forest, tea plantations around the dozens of kilometers, as well as timber-producing forests are broad-leaved forest, which is typical of the ecological tea.


Back in the 1770s, Chinese immigrants from tea-growing villages in Anxi, Fujian Province, brought tea plants to Taiwan and began to develop the land.


After the founding of the PRC, the government agency set up to guide tea production, the introduction of improved varieties. professional development of the tea plant and planting tea Lei Feng, promoting production techniques. introduction and application of advanced research and development operations of tea and tea machinery, the country has built a number of early refining factory production gradually restored and developed.


Soil samples from tea gardens located in Laoshan green tea planting area were tested, and the distribution and the seasonal dynamic changes of the soil organic matter, available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of those samples were analyzed with variance analysis and cluster analysis by SPSS.


With modified sequential extraction and separation analysis method, lead in tea garden was divided into six fractions: water soluble, exchangeable, bound to carbonates, bound to Fe-Mn oxides, bound to organic matter, and residual.

通过改进的连续浸提试验,将高铅茶园土壤及常态茶园土壤中铅的存在形态可分成6种形态:水溶态、可交换态、碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态、有机物结合态和残渣态,并用 ICP-OES 法检测了各种形态铅含量及总铅含量。

In 2007 the company newly built mountain organic tea garden 1,000Chinese acres, and the transformation existing tea garden 1,000Chinese acres, after newly built and lowly change,(estimated 5 years)will increase the production mountain superior green tea to increase1,500 buckets, the annual production 45 million Yuan, the taxes andprofits 5.2 million Yuan, will lead the tea farmer 6,000 householdsaverage per person, the project area farmer additionally receive 1,050Yuan.


Soil , yellow lime stone soil and purple acidic soil , respectively , and the soil in field experiment was a yellow sandy soil

年的茶园,连续5 年研究了施用钾肥对茶园土壤钾库及钾素平衡的影响。

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Each protein has its ownspecific function, bul its function is exerted only when it reacts or inieracts with other molecules in the living cells.


Since this polymorphism is distributed randomly during gamete formation, its association with stroke should not be biased or confounded.


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