英语人>网络例句>苯胺的 相关的搜索结果


与 苯胺的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This showed that the electron density of a quinoid ring increased. The peaks of the quaternary carbon atoms of the benzene rings, which were adjacent to the quinoid ring, also shifted to higher field. But the peaks of other C atoms shifted to lower field.

NMR结果表明苯胺低聚体掺杂后主链上的电荷重新分布,环上的H原子上的电子被C原子吸引,电荷密度降低,在〓 NMR中谱峰向低场移动。C原子的谱峰也相应发生变化,醌环上电荷密度增加,全部C原子的峰向高场移动,与醌环相邻苯环受其影响季碳峰移向高场,非季碳峰移向低场。

In order to obtained the six-membered ring compound and a thorough assignment of the spectra, and further to prove that the six-membered ring compound was formed from the hydrogen transfer, the compound N-butyl-4-(N-methylphenylamino)-5-amino- 1, 8-naphthalimide 6 was designed to obtained with N-butyl-4-bromo-5-amino-1, 8-naphthalimide and N-methyl phenylamine as the starting material. However it was difficult to obtain the desired product as the different solvent giving the different products except the desired product.


In this dissertation, firstly, the conditions of isolation and purification of specific toxin fractions produced by Exserohilum turcicum has been studied, and a high-efficient method has been established;secondly, the toxins were analysed by UV-Vis spectrophotometry;then the effect of specific toxin on death rate of corn leaves protoplast was studied by FDA as a tinct reagent;finally, using ANS as a probe and SDS-PAGE to study the membrane protein of the corn leaves with Htl gene. In a word, the aim of the research is to search some existent evidences of the toxin binding site on protoplasmic membrane, and provide proofs for nosogenesis of specific toxin in terms of cytology and the molecular biology.


The optimal carrier gas velocity of prepared SE-30 series capillary chromatographic columns was studied and used to separate isomeric compounds. The efficiency of SE-30 capillary chromatographic columns has been studied with different diameters, film thicknesses and oven temperatures, using n-do-decane, phenol, aminobenzene, and butyl acetate as test samples.


Theelectropolymerizaitons in the present study was followed by in situ UV-visspectrometry,which showed the rate of elecctropolymerization decreased as theconcerntration of anthranilic acid in reaction solution.


In the inductive period of the polymerization, the rate is proportional to the second power of the potential, but in the autocatalytic period, the rate is only proportional to the potential.


The key step involves reduction-amination of benzamine and -acetonide glycealdehyde 20 synthesized from cheap and available ascorbic acid . The hydrolysis product of 21 condensed with triphosgene to get 6, key intermediates of Linezolid and Eperizolid. After a series of reactions, we got Linezolid and Eperizolid in reasonable yields and purity. The spectrum and 〓 values of compounds 6 and other intermediates were identical with literature reported.


At present, the investigation about this aspect is focused on the pure inorganic cathodal electrochromic materials as WO_3 and organic electrochromic materials as and Polyaniline and viologens. But for the organic-inorganic doped electrochromic materials, the research is very lack.


The specific heat of the emeraldine base form of polyaniline and the emeradine salt of polyaniline has been measured at temperatures between 1.8 and 45K. The experimental results have been interpreted in terms of the contributions from both the crystalline and the amorphous phases characterizing the polymer.


FT-IR spectra shows that the polyaniline is present primarily in the emeraldine salt form, and the polymeric chains interact with inorganic framework, most likely via V=O…HN hydrogen bonding. XRD,TG and DSC indicate that the lamellar structure of the V_2O_5 is preserved, PAn chains eliminate water form the interlamellar region and are partially inserted between the layers, and exist with extended-chain conformation owing to the confined environment.Electrochemical investigation in the range of 1.8~3.8V vs.


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Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
