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与 苯甲腈 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ophenyl phenol,ophenyl phenol sodium salt tetrahydrate,7ADCA,2ethyl phenyl hydrazine hydrochloride,2,3dihydrofuran,7ethyl3(2hydroxy ethyl)indole,methyl ester of etodolac; 1,8diethyl1,3,4,9tetrahydropyrano[3.4b] indole1acetic acid methyl ester,5chloro2methoxy benzoic acid,4(2aminoethyl)benzene sulfonamide,5cyano phthalide,phthalhydrazide,9thioxanthenone,n[(1,4benzodioxane2yl)carboxyl]piperazine HCL,2chloro4amino6,7dimethoxyquinazoline,2chloro benzimidazole,1(4fluorobenzyl)2chlorobenzimidazole,2methylthio4pyrimidone,5amino4imidazole carboxamide HCL,6chloro2hexanone,11oxo6.11hydrodibenzothiepin,6,11dihydrodibenzooxepin11one,10,11dihydrodibenzocyclohepten5one;dibenzosuberone,dibenzo cyclohepten5one;dibenzosuberenone,3,5dihydroxy benzoic acid,3,5dihydroxy benzyl alcohol,2mercapto benzimidazole,3,4dihydroxy benzaldehyde,3,4dihydroxy benzonitrile,2amino5chloro benzonitrile,2(4chlorophenoxy)ethyl chloride,2(4chloro phenoxy)tert,butane,ditrimethylol propane;DTMP,2,2bis(4hydroxyphenyl)butane; bisphenol B,1,1'bis(4hydroxyphenyl)cyclohexane;bisphenol Z,tetrabromobisphenolS,3,5ditertbutyl salicylic acid,3,4,5trihydroxy benzoic acid stearyl ester,1,2,4trimethoxybenzene.

华业公司产品:邻苯基苯酚,邻苯基苯酚钠盐,7氨基3去乙酰氧基头孢烷酸,邻乙基苯肼盐酸盐,2,3二氢呋喃,7乙基色氨醇,依托度酸甲酯,5氯2甲氧基苯甲酸,4(2氨乙基)苯磺酰胺,5氰基苯酞,双酮酞嗪,9噻吨酮,N〔(1,4苯并二恶烷2基)羰基〕哌嗪盐酸盐,2氯4氨基6,7一二甲氧基喹唑啉,2氯苯并咪唑,1(4氟苄基)2氯苯并咪唑,2甲硫基4嘧啶酮,5氨基咪唑4 甲酰胺盐酸盐,6氯2已酮,11氧6.11二氢苯并〔b.c〕虑平,11氧代6,11二氢二苯并氧杂卓,10,11二氢二苯并环庚烯5酮,二苯并环庚烯5酮,3,5二羟基苯甲酸,3,5二羟基苯甲醇,2巯基苯并咪唑,3,4二羟基苯甲醛,3,4二羟基苯腈,2氨基5氯苯腈,2(4氯苯氧基)1氯乙烷,2(4氯苯氧基)叔丁烷,双丙烷,2,2二(4羟基苯基)丁烷;双酚B,1,1'双(4羟基苯基)环己烷;双酚Z,2[3,5二溴4(2,3二溴丙氧基)]苯砜,3,5二叔丁基水杨酸,3,4,5三羟基苯甲酸十八烷基脂,1,2,4三甲基氧基苯。

My company can provide pesticide, medicine, veterinary medicine intermediates, have 48 kinds of products (p-Bromo-p-Bromotoluene bromoform 1 - bromo-heptane Triethyl Citrate 1,2,3 - three Bromopropane 3 - Chlorine -4 - fluoro bromobenzene Bromotoluene ethylbenzene 4 - bromo -2 - bromo-ethyl-Chloroaniline 2 - bromo--5 - chloro-toluene 3 - bromo-C methyl 1,6 - dibromo-hexane 1 - bromo --4 - p-methoxy benzaldehyde o-bromo-acetic acid propyl bromide p-fluorotoluene dodecane four bromoethane of iodine bromide toluene tert-butane Tributyl Citrate 2 - bromo-p inter - Hydroxybenzaldehyde bromine butane 2 - bromo-propionic acid bromide veratryl aldehyde inter-bromo-trifluoro-n-hexane of toluene on Bromoxynil Bromotoluene toluene ethylbenzene o-bromophenol bromide Cyclohexane Cyclopentane bran bromate bromide Malay Dibutyl Ethyl Lactate Propylene between bromine bromine bromine between aniline o-anisidine o-fluorophenol difluorobenzonitrile to aminobenzaldehyde Bromotoluene aniline on Bromobenzaldehyde Bromotoluene acid) expressed the hope that customers contact us!

我公司可提供农药,医药,兽药中间体,有四十八种产品(对溴苯酚对溴甲苯溴仿 1-溴庚烷柠檬酸三乙酯 1,2,3-三溴丙烷 3-氯-4-氟溴苯对溴乙苯 4-溴-2-氯苯胺溴乙酸乙酯 2-溴-5-氯甲苯 3-溴丙酸甲酯 1,6-二溴己烷 1-溴-4-硝基苯邻甲氧基苯甲醛溴乙酸丙酯对氟甲苯溴代十二烷对碘甲苯四溴乙烷溴代叔丁烷柠檬酸三丁酯 2-溴氯苯间羟基苯甲醛溴丁烷 2-溴丙酸黎芦醛溴已烷间溴三氟甲苯对溴苯腈对溴乙苯邻溴甲苯溴代环已烷溴代环戊烷糠溴酸马来酸二丁酯溴丙烯乳酸乙酯间溴苯胺间溴苯甲醚邻氟苯酚邻氟苯腈对氨基苯甲醛对溴苯胺对溴苯甲醛对溴苯甲酸)希望广大客户与我司联系!

The main products are: HH-01 fungicides HH-02 organic dispersant HH-03 cationic starch Wood HH-04 cationic starch Department HH-05 modified starch warp sizing agents also sell German Baker Chemical Co., Ltd. Main Products Defoamer series product: E640, T50 Surface Sizing Agent: A281, A288, K532, pesticides / medicine / veterinary medicine a variety of intermediate products (p-Bromo-p-Bromotoluene bromoform 1 - bromo-heptane triethyl citrate 1,2, 3 - Three Bromopropane 3 - chloro -4 - fluoro bromobenzene Bromotoluene ethylbenzene 4 - bromo -2 - bromo-ethyl-Chloroaniline 2 - bromo--5 - chloro-toluene 3 - bromo-methyl 1,6 C - Dibromo Hexane 1 - bromo -4 - nitrobenzene o-methoxy benzaldehyde acid propyl bromide p-fluorotoluene bromo dodecane toluene four of iodine bromide bromoethane three citric acid tert-butane n-butyl 2 - bromo-p-bromo-butane Hydroxybenzaldehyde between 2 - bromo-propionic acid bromide veratryl aldehyde inter-bromo-trifluoro-n-hexane of toluene on Bromoxynil Bromotoluene toluene ethylbenzene o-bromophenol bromide bromide Cyclohexane Cyclopentane bran acid dibutyl maleate Ethyl Lactate Propylene between bromine bromine bromine between aniline o-anisidine o-fluorophenol difluorobenzonitrile to aminobenzaldehyde Bromotoluene aniline on Bromobenzaldehyde Bromotoluene acid) and other relevant units have been in substantial promotion, and client set up a good relationship of cooperation has been the user's praise.

现主要产品:HH—01杀菌剂 HH—02有机分散剂HH—03阳离子淀粉 HH—04木署阳离子淀粉 HH—05 经纱上浆变性淀粉同时还代理销售德国贝克化学公司系列产品主要产品消泡剂:E640 、T50 表面施胶剂:A281、A288 、K532,农药/医药/兽药中间体多种产品(对溴苯酚对溴甲苯溴仿 1-溴庚烷柠檬酸三乙酯 1,2,3-三溴丙烷 3-氯-4-氟溴苯对溴乙苯 4-溴-2-氯苯胺溴乙酸乙酯 2-溴-5-氯甲苯 3-溴丙酸甲酯 1,6-二溴己烷 1-溴-4-硝基苯邻甲氧基苯甲醛溴乙酸丙酯对氟甲苯溴代十二烷对碘甲苯四溴乙烷溴代叔丁烷柠檬酸三丁酯 2-溴氯苯间羟基苯甲醛溴丁烷 2-溴丙酸黎芦醛溴已烷间溴三氟甲苯对溴苯腈对溴乙苯邻溴甲苯溴代环已烷溴代环戊烷糠溴酸马来酸二丁酯溴丙烯乳酸乙酯间溴苯胺间溴苯甲醚邻氟苯酚邻氟苯腈对氨基苯甲醛对溴苯胺对溴苯甲醛对溴苯甲酸)等在相关单位得到了大量推广,与客户建立了良好的合作关系,得到了用户的赞誉。

Mission:"equality and mutual benefit, reputation first, unity and cooperation and friendship between the long-term" supply products: ethylenediamine; diethylamide; triethylamine; Diethylenetriamine; three ethylene diamine; three ethylene amines 40; 40 Five ethylene amines; five ethylene amines 6; caprolactam; DMF; allyl amine; N, N dimethylaniline; propylamine; are butylamine; are TOA; 3 Poly Cyanamide; 1,2 c diamine; ethanolamine; diethanolamine, triethanolamine; potassium iodide, potassium hydroxide, potassium permanganate, toluene, xylene, toluene of chlorine ; Acetone, butanone; acetylacetone; ethyl acetate, butyl acetate; Y-butyrolactone; DMC; acetyl of methyl acetate; Sanfu acetyl acid; Sanfu acetyl B Ethyl; methanol, ethanol, isopropanol; propylene glycol; glycerol; propargyl alcohol; 1.3 propylene glycol; xylitol; acetic acid; have acid; mercaptoacetic acid; vary Bitterness; adipic acid; trifluoroacetic acid; oxalic acid, the amino acid; o-amygdalin acid; DL-Acid; anhydrous piperazine; six non-piperazine, furfural, castor oil, ethylene Aldehyde; glutaraldehyde, multi-POM; isopropyl ether; anisole; tetrahydropyrrole; pure pyridine; 1.2 dichloroethane; methylene chloride, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride; hydrazine hydrate; Nonylphenol;-m-cresol; Se phenol; phenol; the tert-butyl phenol; Titanium Dioxide; iron; full Tangfen; Bisphenol A; azo two different nitrile; sodium azide; sodium carbonate ; Sodium chloride; iron oxide; cuprous chloride; thionyl chloride; D4; sodium bicarbonate; ammonia, potassium chloride; anhydrous sodium sulphite; ammonium persulfate; glycol Dingmi; B Glycol ether; calcium chloride; cyclohexanone; cyclohexane, methyl tertiary butyl ether, potassium carbonate, ferric chloride, potassium nitrate; Linsuansanna; zinc oxide; sodium nitrite; antimony oxide; Tartrate; OP-10; TX-10; tablets base; AES; sodium benzoate, sodium citrate; partial sodium silicate, sodium perborate, a sodium carbonate, sodium benzene; Asia sodium chlorate; Wuluo Care products; urea; hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, lactic acid; amino acid, hydrogen peroxide, ammonium bicarbonate


In this paper, the short-time photodissociation dynamics of benzanilide in methanol and acetonitrile solution has been studied by resonance Raman techniqueand quantum chemistry calculations.


Amino-6-methoxy Benzothiazole 99%、2-Amino Benzothiazole 99%、Veratraldehyde 99%、Veratric Acid 99%、1,2- Dimethoxy Benzene 99%、6-Nitroveratric Acid 97%、2,5-Dichlorobenzoic Acid 99%、4-Chloro-3-Nitrobenzoic Acid 99%、 3-Nitrobenzole Acid 98%、p-Methoxybenzoie Acid 99%、Anisole 99.5%、p-Methoxyacetophenonc 99%、(2'-Chloroethyl) Benzene 99%、(2'-Bromoethyl) Benzene 99%、N,N-Diethyi-m-Toiuamide 99%、Aminoacetonitrile Hydrochloride 98%、 Alkyl Diphenyl Phosphate Estrel 98%、5-Chloro-2-benzothiazolone 99%、6-bromo-2-naphthol 98%、6-Nitro-Veretric Acid Estrel 97%、4-chloro phenoxyaeetic 99


Mission:"equality and mutual benefit, reputation first, unity and cooperation and friendship between the long-term" supply products: ethylenediamine; diethylamide; triethylamine; Diethylenetriamine; three ethylene diamine; three ethylene amines 40; 40 Five ethylene amines; five ethylene amines 6; caprolactam; DMF; allyl amine; N, N dimethylaniline; propylamine; are butylamine; are TOA; 3 Poly Cyanamide; 1,2 c diamine; ethanolamine; diethanolamine, triethanolamine; potassium iodide, potassium hydroxide, potassium permanganate, toluene, xylene, toluene of chlorine ; Acetone, butanone; acetylacetone; ethyl acetate, butyl acetate; Y-butyrolactone; DMC; acetyl of methyl acetate; Sanfu acetyl acid; Sanfu acetyl B Ethyl; methanol, ethanol, isopropanol; propylene glycol; glycerol; propargyl alcohol; 1.3 propylene glycol; xylitol; acetic acid; have acid; mercaptoacetic acid; vary Bitterness; adipic acid; trifluoroacetic acid; oxalic acid, the amino acid; o-amygdalin acid; DL-Acid; anhydrous piperazine; six non-piperazine, furfural, castor oil, ethylene Aldehyde; glutaraldehyde, multi-POM; isopropyl ether; anisole; tetrahydropyrrole; pure pyridine; 1.2 dichloroethane; methylene chloride, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride; hydrazine hydrate; Nonylphenol;-m-cresol; Se phenol; phenol; the tert-butyl phenol; Titanium Dioxide; iron; full Tangfen; Bisphenol A; azo two different nitrile; sodium azide; sodium carbonate ; Sodium chloride; iron oxide; cuprous chloride; thionyl chloride; D4; sodium bicarbonate; ammonia, potassium chloride; anhydrous sodium sulphite; ammonium persulfate; glycol Dingmi; B Glycol ether; calcium chloride; cyclohexanone; cyclohexane, methyl tertiary butyl ether, potassium carbonate, ferric chloride, potassium nitrate; Linsuansanna; zinc oxide; sodium nitrite; antimony oxide; Tartrate; OP-10; TX-10; tablets base; AES; sodium benzoate, sodium citrate; partial sodium silicate, sodium perborate, a sodium carbonate, sodium benzene; Asia sodium chlorate; Wuluo Care products; urea; hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, lactic acid; amino acid, hydrogen peroxide, ammonium bicarbonate


The photocycloaddition of 1-naphthonitrile (1-NpCN) and 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene in cyclohexane or benzene gave cyclobutane 3 primarily,but that of 2-NpCN gave azetine 6 asthe major and cyclobutane 5 as the minor product in low conversion photolysis.


The photocycloaddn. of 1-naphthonitrile (1-NpCN) and 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene in cyclohexane or benzene gave cyclobutane I primarily, but that of 2-NpCN gave azetine II as the major and cyclobutane III as the minor product in low conversion photolysis. The photocycloaddn. of 1-NpCN with DMB is retarded by increasing amts. of trifluoroacetic acid which is shown to form non-photoreactive complexes with ground state as well as with singlet excited state 1-NpCN. It also quenches the *(1-NpCN-DMB) exciplex.


Preferred examples of thermal initiators include persulphates especially sodium and ammonium persulphate, peroxides especially benzoyl peroxide, t-butyl hydroperoxide and lauryl peroxide, and azos, especially azobisisobutyronitrile.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
