英语人>网络例句>苞 相关的搜索结果

与 苞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Raceme 8--11 cm, 10--15-flowered, retrorsely puberulent, sometimes yellow glandular puberulent; proximal bracts 3-parted, distal ones lanceolate-linear or linear.


Leaf margin with 5-7 rounded or retuse lobes on each side; blade abaxially glabrous; bracts of cupule gray tomentose; nuts mature the same year as flowering

叶缘具5-7圆形的或微凹裂片在每边;叶片背面无毛;壳斗的片灰色被绒毛;与花笨成熟相同的年 12 Q。 robur 夏栎

Scape usually longer than leaves, with 2-3 flowers each with 1bract, floral bract hooded, broad-ovate, as long as ovary, blunt and usually 3-lobed at apex; flower green-yellow, dorsal sepal white with yellow-green veins and green base, elliptic, 4-4.5cm long, short-pointed at apex, keeled on back, pubescent at base inside, petals very long, pendulous, twist, linear, 8.5-12cm long,6mm wide in middle; lip reversed helmet-shaped, longer than dorsal sepal, with claw almost as long as hood, side lobes inflexed, auricles large and nearly broad-triangular; staminode obcordate; stamens with thick and short filaments; ovary rostrate, 5.5cm long, glabrous.

花茎常长于叶,具2~3朵花,每花具一枚片,花片兜状,宽卵形,和子房等长,顶端钝而常3浅裂;花绿黄色,重萼片白色而有黄绿色的脉和绿色的基部,椭圆形,长4~5.5cm ,短尖,背面具龙骨状突起,基部内侧被短柔毛;花瓣极长,悬垂,扭曲,条形,长8.2~12cm ,中部宽约6mm ;唇瓣倒盔状较中萼片长,具爪,爪几乎和兜等长,具内折侧裂片,耳大而近阔三角形;退化雄蕊倒心形,上面基部具一个角状突起;雄蕊具短粗的花丝;子房具喙,长约5.5cm ,无毛。

Inflorescences paniculate-racemose, with conspicuous bracts; sepals of flowers reflexed and linear-oblong; leaves 3-lobed, abaxially rufous pilose at primary vein axils.

花序圆锥状葡萄状,具明显的片;花的萼片反折和线状长圆形;在主脉腋3浅裂,背面红棕色具柔毛的叶。 71 A。 wardii 滇藏枫

As a cutflower, it will be worth of great value in the future. Arrowhead Proteinase Inhibitor, one kind of pure natural material, was derived from storage organ of Sagittaria trifolia .


Leaves entire, or with a pair of obtuse lobes near base; fruiting bracts cordate to sagittate, appendage a 3-parted process.


Internodes of green branchlets 1-1.5(-2) cm, longitudinally furrowed, often scabridulous; seeds 4-6 mm, apex obtuse or subacuminate; pollen cones with 3 or 4(-6) pairs of bracts

绿色的小枝1-1.5(-2)厘米,纵沟节间,经常微糙;种子4-6毫米,先端钝或;雄球花具3或4(-6)对片 12 Ephedra gerardiana 山岭麻黄

Stipules caducous, small; leaf blade thinly leathery; lateral veins pinnate; tertiary veins scalariform , margin entire. Flowers sessile or shortly pedicellate, in lax panicles of unilateral racemes; bracts early caducuous, linear.


Peduncles 2–3 cm long, with several scalelike bracts; petals 6–8 mm wide.

花序梗2-3厘米长,具几片;花瓣6-8毫米宽。 1 R。 championii 红花荷

Sepals (4 or)5, free, imbricate, or connate into a tube, leaflike or scarious, persistent, sometimes bracteate below calyx.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
