英语人>网络例句>苞 相关的搜索结果

与 苞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pedicels 0.8--2.6 cm; bracteoles borne proximally or near middle of pedicel, linear, 5--8 mm.


Pedicels 0.4--1.2 cm; bracteoles borne proximally or near middle of pedicel, lanceolate-linear, 2.5--4.5 mm.


Flowers deep purple, large, fragrant; pedicels long, slender, puberulous or subglabrous, 2-bracteolate at or above middle.


Inflorescences ramiflorous, 11-12 cm; rachis and pedicel appressed brown pilosulose; bracts of flower pairs lanceolate, ca. 1 mm; floral bracts ca.


Leaf blade both surfaces puberulent, pubescent, and/or pilose, margin repand to crenate or denticulate, rarely dentate or serrate; bracts 0.6-4 X 0.4-2.7 cm.

两面叶片被微柔毛,短柔毛,和/或具柔毛,残波状的边缘对来说或具小齿,很少具牙齿或有锯齿;片0.6-4 X 0.4-2.7 厘米 90

Bracts 2; calyx 4-6 mm; corolla 2.2-3.4 cm; staminodes 3; stigma 2-lobed or 2-parted; petiole to 3.4 cm; leaf blade 1.4-5.4 X 0.6-3 cm, margin repand to indistinctly denticulate.

片2;花萼4-6毫米;花冠2.2-3.4厘米;退化雄蕊3;柱头2裂的或2深裂;叶柄到3.4厘米;叶片1.4-5.4 X 0.6-3厘米,边缘对来说不清楚具小齿。

Cymes branched 1-5 , 2-18-flowered; bracts broadly ovate to narrowly lanceolate, 3-10 X 1-8 mm, margin denticulate to repand or irregularly dentate; style glabrous.

聚伞花序分开1-5,2-18开花;片宽卵形到狭披针形,1-8 3-10 X毫米,边缘具小齿在不规则具牙齿的残波状或;花柱无毛 5

Bract puberulent or pubescent; peduncle 8-31.5 cm, villous or pubescent; leaf blade base cuneate to rounded, margin crenate to subentire or repand.


Peduncle 12-13 cm; leaf blade base cuneate, margin subentire to repand; bracts ovate to narrowly ovate, 6.5-7 X 2.5-3 mm; pedicel 0.3-1.8 cm; calyx segments appressed puberulent inside; stigma emarginate

花序梗12-13厘米;叶片基部楔形,对残波状的边缘近全缘;片卵形到狭卵形,6.5-7 X 2.5-3毫米;花梗0.3-1.8厘米;贴伏被微柔毛的花萼裂片在里面;柱头微缺 80 Chirita atroglandulosa 黑腺唇柱苣苔

Raceme 2--12 cm,(1 or)2--10-flowered, retrorsely puberulent; proximal bracts leaflike, distal ones lanceolate to lanceolate-subulate.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
