英语人>网络例句>苞 相关的搜索结果

与 苞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Umbrella form inflorescence normally 2~4 bunch gives birth to short branch of Yu Xie armpit, short branch grows 1~2 millimeter; Inflorescence total stalk grows 5~10 millimeter, by short fluff; Bud piece 4, wide egg form, have 5~6 arteries and veins, outside a few without wool, inside face by white short fluff; Inflorescence of each umbrella form has beautiful 4~6, the leaf is opened or open at the same time with the leaf first; Peduncular grow about 1.5 millimeter, close by white fluff; Perianth piece 6, elliptic, two sides by short fluff; In male flower can Yo is staminal 9, filament has grey yellow fluff, form of heart of shape of aegis of body of gland of ministry of the 3rd round of stamen radical, do not have a handle nearly, degrade pistil is not had; Stamen degrades in female flower 9, staff state, by grey yellow fluff, ovarian crock form, style is dumpy, post head shape, shallow crack.


Inflorescences terminal and/or axillary, usually long pedunculate, 2 or 3 or more branched, branches scorpioid; bracts small, sepal-like.


Heads terminal, globose, pedunculate; bracts 2(or 3), white, 7-16 × 3-5 cm, larger one pendulous.

头状花序顶生,球状,有花序梗;片2(或3),白色, 7-16 * 3-5 厘米,更大的那个下垂。

Leaves borne on persistent, peglike projections, flattened or ± rhombic in cross section; bracts rudimentary, included.


Leaves not borne on peglike projections, leaving slightly raised, elliptic scars, grooved adaxially; bracts distinctly exserted, 3-lobed at apex

叶并非生于钉状预测,留下稍突起,椭圆形痕,正面具槽;片清楚外露,3浅裂的在先端 5 Pseudotsuga 黄杉属

Field Trial of 24% Runner SC against Adoxophyes orana Fischer von Roslerstamm ZHOU Yu-Shu1,PIAO Chun-Shu2,QIU Gui-Sheng3,ZHAND Ping3 (1Department of Plant Protection ,Shenyang Agricultural University ,shenyang 110161,China ;2 Plant Protection Station of Liaoning Province,Shenyang 110034,China;3 Research Institute of Pomology,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science,Xingcheng 125100,China) Abstract:The results of field trial showed that 24%Runner SC had highly pesticidal activity to control Adoxophyes orana Fischer von Roslerstamm.

24%甲氧虫酰肼悬浮剂防治苹果园棉褐带卷蛾试验周玉书1,朴春树2,仇贵生3,张平3 (1沈阳农大植保学院,沈阳 110161;2辽宁省植保站,沈阳 110034;3中国农科院果树研究所,兴城 125100)摘要试验表明,24%甲氧虫酰肼悬浮剂是防治棉褐带卷蛾的高效药剂,尤其对卷叶虫内的各龄幼虫也有良好效果。

The golden yellow blooms of the Spathoglottis pubescens and the white-and-purple Arundina chinensis are the two of the most commonly seen species, while rock surfaces covered by the large emerald bead-like pseudobulbs of the Pholidota chinensis is a common sight high at the misty montane forest.

最常见而大家比较熟悉的,是金黄色的舌兰Spathoglottis pubescens,和白瓣紫芯的竹叶兰Arundina chinensis;云雾萦绕的高山密林中,潮湿的石面上碧绿圆浑如翡翠珠的,是大家不会陌生的石仙桃Pholidota chinensis的假球茎。

Inflorescences long spicate, interrupted basally; bracts usually narrow and serrate or pinnatifid.


Male flowers small, 1-3 per bract-axil, subsessile; sepals 3, free or very indistinctly connate at base; petals and disk absent; stamens 3; filaments free; anthers longitudinally dehiscent; pistillode absent.

雄花小,1-3 每片,近无柄;萼片3,离生或非常不清楚在基部合生;花瓣和花盘无;雄蕊3;花丝离生花药纵向开裂;无退化雌蕊。

Male flowers in apical part of inflorescences, small, yellow, 5-9-fascicled in axil of bracts, with distinct pedicel; pistillode absent; calyx membranous, cupular-shaped, shallowly 2-lobed; petals and disk absent; stamens 2; filaments free; anthers 2-celled, longitudinally dehiscent.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
