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与 苞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bracts not palmately cleft apically; lower corolla lip ciliate, middle lobe hoodlike; calyx slightly cleft anteriorly.


Petals wholly free; fertile stamens 3 or 6; bracts not imbricately arranged in 2 rows.


Leaf blade with only villous indument on both surfaces, apex acute to acuminate; bract margin sometimes sparsely dentate

叶片具具长柔毛的只毛状外被在两面,先端锐尖或渐尖;片边缘有时疏生配位基 13 Oreocharis obliqua 斜叶马铃苣苔

Spathelike involucral bracts ca. 2 cm or more; plants hairy, less often glabrous; leaves more than 6 cm.

Spathelike的总片约2厘米或更多;植株有毛,小的通常无毛;叶超过6 厘米 6

Inflorescence a terminal or leaf-opposed spike, with 4, rarely 6 or 8, white, petal-like involucral bracts at base.


Only basal cincinni involucral; branches without an inflorescence at most nodes; ovules 8 per locule

只基部的蝎尾状聚伞花序总;没有在大多数节的一个花序的分枝;胚珠8每室 2 Spatholirion 竹叶吉祥草属

Leaf blade linear, less than 6 mm wide; roots more than 4 cm, fusiform thickened in middle; involucral bracts glabrous

叶片线形,不到6毫米宽;根超过4厘米,纺锤形的加厚的在中部;总片无毛 5 Murdannia medica 少叶水竹叶

Involucral bracts 14-18 mm; calyx lobes 5-7 mm.

片14-18毫米;萼裂片5-7毫米 48 D。

Cincinni long, with numerous flowers, forming terminal panicles; involucral bracts small.


Involucral bracts not sheathlike, distal ones gradually becoming shorter, cymes not 1-flowered.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
