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与 苞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There were no significant differences in the re-allocation of N and K in F. denudate leaves at the three densities, but the P re-allocation and the Ca and Mg accumulation increased with increasing density.


Seeds of Fargesia denudate were treated to accelerated aging and the following indices were measured: seed vigor, T-AOC, activities of anti-oxidative enzymes, contents of MDA, and conductivity, and these indices were also measured on the seeds that differ in size.


Denudate litterfall production, nutrient return, and nutrient use efficiency showed that at the densities of D1, D2 and D3, the annual litterfall production was 793.2, 1135.7 and 1458.5 kghm^(-2), carbon return was 370.7, 516.2 and 671.5 kghm^(-2), and the total return of N, P, K, Ca and Mg was 16.3, 22.9 and 29.3 kghm^(-2), respectively.

结果表明:3个密度缺箭竹的年凋落物量分别为793.2、1135.7和1458.5 kghm^(-2),C归还量分别为370.7、516.2和671.5 kghm^(-2),5种主要养分归还量分别为16.3、22.9和29.3 kghm^(-2),均随密度的增大而增加。

The result shows that the Giant Panda habitat in Gansu is an under-plant population of forest communities with Fargesia denudate as the dominant species; that Giant Panda make movements at the altitudes ranging from 1 600 m to 2 000 m in Wenxian County and Diebu County; that the characteristics of bamboo population, geographical environment, along with the integrity of forest communities, are taken as the three dominant factors in influencing the life of Giant Panda;and that the features of the habitat are basically stable but reasonable distribution together with strong artificial disturbance is considered as the potential factor resulting in the habitat unstable.

结果表明:甘肃省大熊猫主要栖息在以缺箭竹为优势的下木种群森林群落中,其垂直活动范围主要集中在海拔1 600~2 800 m处,水平分布在文县和迭部一带;竹类种群的特性、地理环境和森林群落的完整性是大熊猫栖息生存的3个主要综合要素;甘肃省大熊猫的生境特征基本稳定,但该区竹类种群的正态性分布和人为干扰强度是构成其生境不稳定的重要潜在因素。

Flowers numerous, bisexual, small, borne in dichasial cymes, corymbs, or panicles, sometimes aggregated into capitula; bracts usually scarious, rarely leaflike.


Inflorescences lax, often dichotomously branched, axillary, 1- to many-flowered cymes; bracts 2, opposite.


Cincinni dichotomously branched from base; 1 branch with 1.5--2 cm long peduncle and 1--4 long-exserted male flowers; other branch with much shorter peduncle and 3--5 bisexual flowers included in involucral bracts; pedicels thick and curved, ca. 3 mm, to 5 mm in fruit.


Flowering stems dichotomously branched; pedicels of fallen flowers persistent, exserted from spathes, stiff; outer perianth segments not crested.


Inflorescences axillary, small, pedunculate, densely capitate clusters of unisexual flowers; solitary glomerules or pairs of dichotomously branched cymes; bracts small.


Any of several herbs of the genus Dipsacus native to the Old World having flower heads surrounded by spiny bracts.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。