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与 苞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fruit a utricle, dry or fleshy, often surrounded by persistent bracteoles and perianth.


Utricle enclosed by fruiting bracts; pericarp adnate to seed.


A V-shaped point that is part of a decorative border or edging.


Bracts ovate to lanceolate, 1--3.5 cm, herbaceous, usually 7- or more veined.

片卵形到披针形,1 --3.5厘米,草质,通常7-或更多脉。

For assisting identification of crude drug Herba Dendrobii. Methods Morphological and histological studies were carried out on 11 medicinal plant roots in Dendrobium Sw. by microstructural observation. The 11 species were divided into three groups according to their stem morphology: a pair fleshy-stem group, including D. chrysanthum, D. crepidatum, D. primulinum, D. hercoglossum, and D. crystallium; b thick-and rigid-stem group, including D. fimbriatum and D. aurantiacum var. denneanum; c node-or inter- node- bulgy-stem group, including D. findlayanum, D. gratiosissimum, D. pendulum, and D. wardianum. The surface descriptions of velamen were conducted for D. fimbriatum and D. aurantiacum var. denneanum which are similar in characters of cross section.

方法利用形态组织学方法,对茎多肉质的束花石斛Dendrobium chrysanthum及其易混的玫瑰石斛D.crepidatum、报春石斛D.primulinum、重唇石斛D.hercoglossum、晶帽石斛D.crystallium;茎粗硬的流苏石斛D.fimbriatum及其易混的叠鞘石斛D.aurantiacumvar.denneanum;茎节或节间肿胀的棒节石斛D.findlayanum、杯鞘石斛D.gratiosissimum、肿节石斛D.pendulum和大鞘石斛D.wardianum共11种药用石斛根进行显微结构研究;对根横切面结构相似的流苏石斛和叠鞘石斛,配合进行了根被表面制片观察。

Pistil ca. 1.5-2 cm; corolla white with purple spots, tube 3-3.8 cm, abaxial lip ca. 7 mm; petiole 2-6 cm; leaf blade margin weakly serrate to nearly entire, with vermiform sclereids surrounding vascular bundles; involucre 2-2.5 cm in diam.

约的雌蕊1.5-2厘米;花冠白色具紫色斑点,筒部厘米,背面唇约7毫米;叶柄2-6厘米;叶片边缘身体虚弱的有锯齿到近全缘,具蠕虫状的sclereids 围绕维管束;总2-2.5厘米直径 3 Hemiboea bicornuta 台湾半蒴苣苔

ABSTRACT: Random amplified polymorphic DNA was used in analysing the relationship among twenty-six speices of Amanita from Mangshan, Hunan. Of 40 primers, 6 ones generated reproducible RAPD profiles, and each one produced 1-10 bands. Two primers (OPG15 and OPH04) could differentiate 26 species of Amanita by its RAPD profiles. The similarity coefficients obtained from profiles generated by six primers among Amanita were about 20-60%. A dendrogram was constructed using average linkage clustering for clustering analysis. It indicated that there were two groups in 26 species and some species with ring and membranous volva clustered a group which coincided with morphological classification.


This paper introduces the importance, structure, and functions of the computer control system at the Lubao water gate, and thunder prevention measures.


Leaf blade leathery, ovate to elliptic; branchlets not zigzagged; female flowers with 3 staminodes.

约的斯蒂普1/3-1/2倍于子房;片黄绿色;约的果柔荑花序3厘米;花花叶同放;叶1-2厘米 69

Flowers zygomorphic, small, with bracts.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。