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The outer or lower of the two bracts that enclose the flower in a grass spikelet.


Inflorescences terminal or axillary, spikelike or racemelike thyrses, sometimes branched; bracts with 2 large abaxial glands at base.

花序顶生或者腋生,穗状或总状花序状聚伞圆锥花序,有时分枝;片在基部具2 大的背面的腺体。

Leaf blade narrowly elliptic-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, margin spiniform dentate; bracts of cupule subulate, ligulate, or linear, often reflexed.


Inflorescence bracts spirally arranged, overlapped at base of flower.


With American botanist cypress apply reach Halier, the really beautiful doctrine that British botanist breaths out Qin Song to be a delegate thinks the flower of angiosperm is come by evolution of ball of leaf of primitive gymnospermous bisexual spore, consequently tentative idea angiosperm is the Benneisu that in coming from gymnosperm, eradicates already iron eye, draft Su Tie especially , the bud on ball of its spore leaf piece evolve for perianth, sporule leaf evolves for stamen, big spore leaf evolves for pistil , axis of ball of its spore leaf shortens for rachis.


Leaves thin-leathery, oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate, 6.5-13cm long, 2.5-4.5cm wide, blunt to blunt-acuminate at apex, cuneate at base ,lustrous on leaf surface, stellate-hairy beneath; petiole1-2.5cm long, stipule bract-like, leathery, caducous.

叶薄革质,椭圆状披针形至披针形,长6.5~13cm ,宽2.5~4.5cm ,尖端钝至钝渐尖,基部楔形,叶面有光泽,背面被星状毛;叶柄长1~1.5cm ,托叶状,革质,早落。

Tricholoma may be a paraphyletic genus two. The collections identified as T. caligatum is a mixture. Some parts of them from France are members of T. matsutake, the other parts from North America are closed to T. bakamatsutake and T. fulvocastaneum. Tricholoma robustum and T. focale form a clade which is obviously a sister group of the stirp Subannulate. The stirp Caligata was defined as a group mainly on the basis of the predominant veil. But from the result of molecular systematic analysis, the presence of veil is not a stable character in the matsutake group. Species having symbiosis with conifers and broad leaf tree are all transformed from those whose host specificity is not strict. The phylogenetic tree based on ITS sequences resembled the tree of NJ algorithm based on cladistic coding. In the phylogenetic tree based on morphylogical characters, T. zangii and T. bakamatsutake form a clade, but it is the result of convergent evolution as suggested by molecular analyses. The distribution area of the matsutake group can be divided into six regions: middle and northern Europe region, Mediterranean region, Hengduan Mount.— Southeastern Tibet region, Northeastern China—Japan—Far-east Russia region, the Atlantic—North America region and the Rocky Mountain region. The abundance center of the matsutake group are Hengduan Mount.—Southeastern Tibet region and the Rocky Mountain region. Hengduan Mount.

松口蘑群的分子系统学研究得出的结果有:由于粗壮口蘑和羽衣口蘑明显和亚环族(Tricholoma,section subannulate)的种类是来自同一个谱系,和其它松口蘑群的种不具有最近共同祖先,因此松口蘑群是一个多系群;松口蘑群和口蘑属其他种类的亲缘关系比和蜜环菌属更接近;梭柄松菇和松口蘑群的差距明显小于油黄口蘑(T.flavovirens)和棕灰口蘑;口蘑属是一个多系群;鉴定为欧洲口蘑的标本明显不是一个单系群,其中一部分是松口蘑,另一部分和黄褐口蘑及傻松口蘑(T.bakamatsutake)比较接近;划分松口蘑群的标准是菌环的存在,但从分子系统学的结果来看,菌环的存在与否并非是一个很稳定的性状;和针叶树专性共生及和阔叶树专性共生均由寄主专化性不强的种类转化而来;在形态学系统发育树上青冈口蘑和傻松口蘑被聚为一个分枝,分子系统学的研究结果表明,这是趋同进化的结果;用支序方法编码作出的NJ树的结果更接近ITS序列的结果。

There are more than 2,000 plant species, with 178 branches of higher plants, 611 genera and 1158 kinds, of which 73 tree species are 473 kinds of Section 181, accounting for 80% of tree species in Guangdong, mainland China, 25 kinds of state protection, accounting for 67 to 37% of the , there is a protected plant yew trees horses, Fujian cypress, Tsuga-bin, sightseeing wood, etc., and Guangdong-Song 207 kinds of medicinal plant resources; county's forest coverage reached 73.1% and the stumpage volume of 5.34 million cubic meters m.

植物种类有 2000多种,具有高等植物178科,611属,1158种,其中乔木树种73科181属473种,占广东大陆树种的80%,国家保护的25种,占全国67种的37%,有一级保护植物红豆杉、伯乐树、福建柏、长铁彬、观光木、广东松等以及药用植物资源207种;全县森林覆盖率达73.1%,活立木蓄积量达534万立方米。

Involucral bracts sheathlike, bladeless, subequal, more than 5 mm, with several to numerous 1-flowered cymes.


Rays subequal; bracteoles nearly as long as or exceeding umbellules.


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If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。