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Bracts not cirrose at apex; tepals with dense, irregular, purple spots often merging to form larger mottling

片而不是有卷须的在先端;花被片具紧密的,不规则,紫色斑点经常合并形成更大的呈杂色 5 FRITILLARIA taipaiensis 太白贝母

Seed cones with 8 or 10 thin scales; bracts almost completely enveloped by cone scales, free apex, a very short mucro; seeds with 2 lateral, narrow wings

球果具8或者10 薄的鳞片;几乎完全通过珠鳞,离生先端,一非常短短尖头包围的片;有侧2的种子,狭窄翅 2 Thuja 崖柏属

Leaves obovate, broadly obovate, or elliptic-oblong, apex obtuse with a mucro; bracteoles spiny, 2-winged at base; pseudostaminode long fimbriate and ciliate at apex.

倒卵形的叶,宽倒卵形,或椭圆形长圆形,先端钝的具一短尖头;小片多刺,2翅的在基部;假退化雄蕊长流苏状和纤毛的在先端 1 A 。

Seed cones terminal on branchlets, solitary, globose or oblong, dehiscent when mature in 1st year; cone scales 8-12, peltate, woody, each fertile scale bearing (1 or)2(-5) seeds; free bract apex a small mucro.


Seed cones terminal, solitary, globose or subglobose, dehiscent when mature in 2nd year; cone scales 8-16, decussate, peltate, woody, each fertile scale bearing 3-20 seeds; free bract apex a short mucro.


Bractlets 1 or 2, lanceolate, navicular, or scale-like.


Flowers 2- or 3-clustered, or solitary; bractlets navicular, apex with a spine 2-4 mm.


Seeds navicular, convex on 1 side, with a deep groove on other; pedicel as long as or longer than bract, rarely slightly shorter.


Flowers solitary in leaf axils, rarely clustered, bisexual; bractlets 2, navicular, usually shorter than perianth.


Leaves 5–7 per ultimate branch; sheaths 2–3.5 cm, glabrous; auricles usually inconspicuous; oral setae several, 3–5 mm; ligule less than 1 mm; blade lanceolate, 5–18 × 1.2–7 cm. Pseudospikelets fusiform, 1–2.2 cm; prophylls small; bracts 4–6, navicular, 1–5.5 mm, papery, rigid, keeled, apex obtuse; rachilla disarticulating.

每末级的分枝叶5-7;鞘2-3.5厘米,无毛;叶耳通常不明显;口头的刚毛数个,3-5毫米;叶舌不到1毫米;叶片披针形, 5-18 * 1.2-7 纺锤形的厘米Pseudospikelets,1-2.2厘米;先出叶小;片4-6,舟形,1-5.5毫米,纸质,硬质,龙骨状,先端钝;小穗轴脱节。

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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。