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与 苞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The seedling establishment of Tsuga longibracteata in elliptical gap (area 118 m^2) center, middle, edge and under canopy of T. longibracteata forest were studied by seed burial experiments from December 2003 to January 2005 in Tianbaoyan National Nature Reserve of Fujian,China.


Scape unbranched; bracts several, verticillate, forming an involucre.


A whorl of bracts subtending a flower or flower cluster.

Involucre 包被花或花簇的一轮片。

Inflorescence branches with or without subtending bracts, bracts usually well developed; spikelets sessile

花序通常有或没有对着片,片分开发育良好;小穗无梗 21

A large bract or pair of bracts subtending and often enclosing an inflorescence.

佛焰 Spathe 侧展并半包围或全包花个的一片或一对大片。

Female inflorescence conelike; bracts woody, persistent, 5-lobed at apex, each bract subtending 2 flowers; male flower with (1 or 3 or)4 stamens

雌花序球果状;木质,宿存的片,5浅裂在先端,每片对着2花;雄花具(1或3或者)4雄蕊 5 Alnus 桤木属

Umbels 3–15(–20) cm across; bracts 1–3, 1–3 cm, white-setose abaxially, apex acute or pinnate; rays 6–17, 8–10 cm; bracteoles 8–10, broadly cuneate-obovate, 6–15 mm, mottled purple-green, pubescent along nerves, abruptly acuminate to a short point; umbellules many-flowered.


Inflorescences terminal leafy thyrses, 20-45 X 10-15 cm; cymes red, few flowered; peduncle to 3 cm; bracts linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, 1-2 cm; bractlets awl-shaped.

花序顶生多叶的聚伞圆锥花序,20-45 X 10-15厘米;聚伞花序红色,少数开花;花序梗到3厘米;披针形片线形的到披针形,1-2厘米;小片锥形。

Leaves are generally semi-evergreen, made up of 3-9 lanceolate or ovate leaflets that are deep green during the growth period, and change color to purple-green in autumn. Flowers of 5-10 cm across are set singly on long stems (10-15 cm) growing out of leaf axils. They comprise 4 to 8 oval, slightly wavy edged tepals which are creamy white and have a pale green central bar on the outer side. In autumn flowers turn slightly greenish.The striking appearance of the blooms is due to its unusually long contrasting stamens consisting of deep crimson-purple, almost black anthers set on filaments that are white at the base and violet at the top.


Bracteoles absent or very small (ca. 1 mm); bracts absent or minute.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
