英语人>网络例句>苛刻 相关的搜索结果


与 苛刻 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How can they bear the harsh sun directly?


SV: Everybody can understand that this year the testing regulations are very restrictive.


That's a pretty tall order. In fact I don't think it's possible. Unless ...


Take yourself out of this cold, harsh world and embark on a transcendental tangram adventure.


Part1.Acceptance is the act of embracing what life presents to you with a good attitude.Unfortunately,for many people,their body is the targe for their harshest judgment and the barometer by which they measure their self-worth.

豁达 。。以宽容的态度包容生活中的一切,,但是很可惜对很多人来说他们多对自己外表形体要求苛刻把它当作他们的护盾当做他们测量自我价值的晴雨表,总把用一个不可等达到的标准来衡量自己,为自己不能达到他们所谓的标准而自怨自艾。

Since we come in the 21th century, although the voice of freetrade is very high, the commerce protection has been in existence at large. Due to the restrict of traditioanal commerce protection such as quota system and tariff wall, the developed countries begin to establish more rigorous and more hidden commerce protection. They establish a lot of technique barrier to treat the developing countries unfairly.


It is advised not to submit any harsh , irritating and taunting comments in forums .

这是尽量不要提出任何苛刻,刺激性和 taunting 评论在论坛。

There is something to be said for that; life can be taxing enough.


A dilapidated freighter found on Teth, the Twilight became Anakin Skywalker's side project during the Clone Wars, as he embraced the challenge of souping up a tired old space transport into something that would meet his demanding tastes in star vessels.


At the same time, logistics enterprise also has harsher need to information timeliness and accuracy.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
