英语人>网络例句>船舶的 相关的搜索结果


与 船舶的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Diplock 勋爵在The "Johanna Oldendorff"(1973)2 Lloyd's Rep.285 的305 页所说:"Where a single berth was specified in the charterparty as being the place of loading or of discharge, the loading voyage or the carrying voyage did not end until the vessel was at that very berth.1 Until then no obligation could lie upon the charterer to load the cargo, or to receive it as the case might be.


Meanwhile, on the basis of simulation model, the paper introduces the concepts of the combination of ship types, combination of berths, hectometer coastline throughput capability and coastline utilization ratio. By using curve fitting, the function between Tw/Tb and hectometer throughput capacity is achieved. Further more, the analysis of the optimal and suboptimal ship types combination and berths combination correspond to the fixed coastline and the optimal coastline length to the fixed ship types combination and berths combination is obtained.


By using curve fitting, the function between Tw/Tb and hectometer throughput capacity is achieved. Further more, the analysis of the optimal and suboptimal ship types combination and berths combination correspond to the fixed coastline and the optimal coastline length to the fixed ship types combination and berths combination is obtained.


The silence of the ship,the stillness of the windows,was hard for them to bear after the journey;but it was not this which had dried their lips,made their faces pale,forbade them from responding to the words of the immigration official and the glance he gave them before he busied himself with their papers


The builder was a man of low origin, but possessing great pride; his eyes and forehead spoke of large intellect, and Waldemar Daa was fond of listening to him, and so was Waldemar's daughter Ida, the eldest, now about fifteen years old; and while he was building the ship for the father, he was building for himself a castle in the air, in which he and Ida were to live when they were married.


Substituting parts of crew"s marine experience, it can train the modern senior engine managers efficiently and can also improve the students" practical competence and adaptability of facing changes, widen their adaptive capacity to automatic shipping system. The system isbeneficial to the society with the reality of training a new generation of crew who are master in electric and mechanic devices.


Using a camera attached to the ship's periscope by the ingenious Ross, they take photographs of the enemy ships headed for Port Moresby.


When a ship is ashore and cargo and ship's fuel and stores or any of them are discharged as a general average act, the extra cost of lightening, lighter hire and reshipping, and any loss or damage to the property involved in the common Maritime adventure in consequence thereof, shall be allowed as general average.


When a ship is ashore and cargo and ship's fuel and stores or any of them are discharged as a general average act, the extra cost of lightening, lighter hire and reshipping, and any loss or damage to the property involved in the common Maritime adventure in consequence thereof, shall be admitted as general average.


The wave-making resistances of the ship moving in deep water were calculated out, and the results are closed to the data published in the literatures, which test the reliability of the program.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
