英语人>网络例句>航线的 相关的搜索结果


与 航线的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Deviation or delay in prosecuting the voyage contemplated by the policy is excusedWhere arthorised by any special term in the policy ;or Where caused by circumstances beyond the control of the master and his employer;or Where reasonably necessary in order to ply with an express or implied warranty;or Where reasonably necessary for the safety of the ship or subject-matter insured; or For the purpose of saving human life, or aiding a ship in distress where human life may be in danger; or Where reasonably necessary for the purpose of obtaining medical or surgical aid for any person on board the ship;or Where caused by the barratrous conduct of the master or crew, if barratry be one of the perils insured against


According to Heini Nuutinen, an aviation analyst, a series of attempts to restructure JAL have failed to solve its underlying problems: high labour costs, a less efficient fleet than its competitors including All Nippon Airways (ANA, its more nimble Japanese rival, a reluctance to drop its many unprofitable routes, multiple unions, a suffocatingly bureaucratic culture and low morale.


Piracy of a different kind can be found in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Caribbs: yachts are the most hit here so much so that the larger ones now have armed body guards on board ready for action; an Italian yachtsman from Falconara, Bruno Bianchella, was tragically killed in the waters off Granada in 2004 as he sailed towards the Island of Margarita despite being on a crowded route; naval units from France, Holland, United States, United Kingdom and Jamaica, patrol these waters regularly to contrast the phenomenon.

在墨西哥湾和加勒比可以发现不同种类的海盗:船舶在这里普遍会遭到袭击,因此大一点的船只往往在甲板上配有持有武器的保镖准备随时作战。一名来自 Falconara, Bruno Bianchella 的意大利船主在2004年格兰那达附近的水域被残忍杀害,他当时正选择了一条不那么拥挤的航线前往玛格丽塔岛。来自法国,荷兰,美国,英国和牙买加的巡逻队定期在这片水域巡视,抵制这种海盗的猖獗行为。

The Carrier shall have liberty to carry Goods declared by any belligerent to be contraband and persons belonging to or intending to join the armed forces or governmental service of any belligerent; to sail armed or unarmed and with or without convoy; and to comply with any orders, requests or directionsas to loading, departure, arrival, routes, ports of call, stoppage, discharge, destination, delivery or otherwise, howsoever given by the government of any nation or department thereof or any Person acting or purporting to act with the authority of such government or of any department thereof, or by anycommittee or Person having, under the terms of the war risk insurance on the Vessel, the right to give such orders, requests or directions.


Used the finite element method computation pipe network resistance thus obtains the ballast water system the line pressure distributed situation. The paper also has carried on the computation to the ballast tank hydraulic loss and has provided the theory basis to the ballast pump optimized design. The overpressure to the ballast tank has been carried on the discussion. The paper also gets the function between the rated flow and the rated pressure of the pump on ships whose BW pipe net is uniform and line is different, which provides a new method for the selection of BW pump.


Received by, or on behalf of, the Master of the vessel named overpage, from the Shipper named overpage, the goods or packages said to contain goods described overpage (weight, quality, quantity, contents and value being those declared by shippers and being unknown to Carrier) in apparent good orderand condition, unless otherwise indicated in this bill of lading, To Be Transported subject to all the terms of this bill of lading with liberty to proceed via any port or ports within the scope of the voyage described herein to the Port of Discharge from Ship named overpage, or as near thereto as theship can safely get and leave, always afloat at all stages and conditions of water and weather, and there To Be Delivered at the end of ship's tackle (where the Carrier's responsibility shall cease), Or, from said port of discharge, To Be Trans-shipped by the Carrier as forwarding agent for the shipperand/or consignee to the Destination of the Goods named overpage for delivery to the said consignee or holder of this bill of lading, subject always to the


Received by, or on behalf of, the Master of the vessel named overpage, from the Shipper named overpage, the goods or packages said to contain goods described overpage (weight, quality, quantity, contents and value being those declared by shippers and being unknown to Carrier) in apparent good order and condition, unless otherwise indicated in this bill of lading, To Be Transported subject to all the terms of this bill of lading with liberty to proceed via any port or ports within the scope of the voyage described herein to the Port of Discharge from Ship named overpage, or as near thereto as the ship can safely get and leave, always afloat at all stages and conditions of water and weather, and there To Be Delivered at the end of ship's tackle (where the Carrier's responsibility shall cease), Or, from said port of discharge, To Be Trans-shipped by the Carrier as forwarding agent for the shipper and/or consignee to the Destination of the Goods named overpage for delivery to the said consignee or holder of this bill of lading, subject always to the


COSCO Shipping (600428.SH) by the BDI index on the impact of small, COSCO Shipping Public Relations of the media Mr. Tian said,"Although our route is mainly in West Asia, Africa, Latin America, but We mainly export machinery, engineering machinery, does not belong to the scope of dry bulk cargo, we return the import of raw materials in revenue in 2007 accounted for only 6% of the total receipts, while imports of raw materials only as dressing, building stone, wood, etc. Small goods, the index fell by the BDI had a limited impact."


But, after more than a century of neglect, 'The Cut' is now enjoying a second golden age with waterfront cities being regenerated and more inland waterways currently opening in Britain 'The Cut' is a hidden garden flashed with kingfishers and traditional narrowboats; the thin cries of bats and drunken congregations in waterfront pubs.

但是,一个多世纪过去后的今天,英格兰迎来了历史上的第二个黄金时代,许多临海城市彻底被翻新了,目前英国还开放了更多的内陆水陆航线。&The Cut&是一所隐密的花园,遍地的翠鸟和传统狭长小船散发着闪耀的光芒;蝙蝠弱小的嘶叫声就像海上酒吧的聚会。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
