英语人>网络例句>航线的 相关的搜索结果


与 航线的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Kuwaiti Al-Ghanim initially made their money from pearling and running dhows on the Basra-Bombay route.


Permanent one way links are much better, and will get your site higher link popularity than reciprocal links.


Now I said we would hand-search more luggage and screen more bags on domestic and international flights, and would require preflight inspections of every plane cargo hold and cabin before every flight.


Methods A moderated BF3 proportional neutron counter was used for measurement of neutron dose of cosmic radiation in cabin of B-747 flying from Beijing to New York and Beijing-Stockholm-Beijing.

采用慢化BF3中子监测器,在北京―纽约和北京―斯德哥尔摩航线飞行的B-747飞机上进行了测量,起飞、着陆阶段每2 min测一次,巡航阶段第30 min测试一次,高度和纬度利用飞机仪表读出,地磁纬度采用人造地球卫星环境手册的公式计算。

This is an important position on the route of the South China Sea Temple, a port in ancient times, the terminal is outside the vast ocean - the South China Sea, the South China Sea is actually part of the mainland Southeast Asia and around the Pacific, the sea also bear linked to the Pacific, to the Indian Ocean.


Sailors explored the Arctic first, looking for a new sea route that would lead to wealthy China.


The road is the sea route for Atlantic salmon on their westward journey past Carrick Island.


The two countries established trade and it progressed well ever since the Chinese came to know the sea route to Puni.


This was the first international marine ferry line opened by a seagoing fishing enterprise in China.


French frigate Nivose has seized 35 pirates in 3 days off the coast of Somalia, the French military said Sunday, claiming "the biggest seizure" so far in the shipping lane, AFP reported.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
