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与 舞蹈艺术 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A: OK. Peking Opera is a combination of music, dance, art and acrobatics.


Intangible cultural heritage including 5 domains: oral traditions and expression, including language as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage; performing arts; social practices, rituals and festive events; knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe; traditional craftsmanship. The State Council announced the "list of the first group of national standard intangible cultural heritages" in May 2006. According to this list and the scope of intangible cultural heritage are divided into 10 specialized catalogues: folk literature; folk music; folk dance; traditional drama; ballad singing; acrobatism and athletics; folk art; traditional craftsmanship; traditional medicine; folk custom.


The State Council announced the "list of the first group of national standard intangible cultural heritages" in May 2006. According to this list and the scope of intangible cultural heritage are divided into 10 specialized catalogues: folk literature; folk music; folk dance; traditional drama; ballad singing; acrobatism and athletics; folk art; traditional craftsmanship; traditional medicine; folk custom.


Luis Dominguez, the current Artistic Director, studied with the Dance Theatre of Harlem and the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre and performed with the Dance Theatre of Harlem for 18 years.

而目前舞团的艺术总监 Luis Dominguez 也在 Harlem 舞蹈剧院, Alvin Ailey 舞导剧院有着18年的学习表演经验。

Flamenco is a typical dance and music in the south of Spain, concretely in the Andalusian region.


Sure, there have been exceptions (say, Matisse's The Dance), but it would not be a stretch to say that for the past century or so, serious art has been at war with happiness. In 1824, Beethoven completed the "Ode to Joy." In 1962, novelist Anthony Burgess used it in A Clockwork Orange as the favorite piece of his ultraviolent antihero.


Guillaume Apollinaire characterized her painting in The Cubist Painters;"Like the dance, it is an infinitely gracious and rhythmical art of enumeration."


The filming not only shows some arrestingly beautiful dancing, it also shows Sheu starting from the blank canvas of the practice studio to choreograph a work of the highest art.


He wrote passionately about this theory in his 150-page essay, The Art-Work of the Future , referring to dance, tone, and poetry as the "three prim sisters" without which no work of art is complete.


He was voracious for whatever fed his art: Dostoyevsky, Byron, painting ("like food" he said), every ballet tradition, the Danish elegance of Eric Bruhn, the American dash of George Balanchine's choreography.

他利用一切可以推动艺术进步的东西:陀思妥耶夫斯基的作品,拜伦的小说,油画,每个芭蕾艺术传统,丹麦芭蕾舞演员Eric Bruhn的优雅表达,美国舞蹈家George Balanchine的精力甚至Martha Graham反芭蕾舞的现代舞蹈都吸引了他,并抓住每个机会去精通它们。

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Now, more and more people and volunteers go to disaster area to help people who are in trouble.


A traveling show; having sideshows and rides and games of skill etc..


Monetary policy is usually conducted under the auspices of a country's central bank.
