英语人>网络例句>自鸣得意 相关的搜索结果



The purpose is the functions of Gq protein in phototransduction under the illumination by different light condition, and to accumulate dasal information for animal photoreceptive physiology in molecule levels.


Featuring all new infantry and cavalry units, equipped with the best weapons and having undergone the most rigorous of training, the Elite Units of the West DLC is the perfect addition to your Empire's army and will bring even more options on the battlefield to all tacticians seeking to defeat their enemies.


Our city, our people, our very lives are in danger this day.The Kromrif are at this very moment marching towards us in an offensive they hope will bring about our demise..I hereby command, by authority of Dain Frostreaver the Fourth, that all able bodied Coldain fight to the death in defense of our land.

提醒:刚刚讲的那些话是指你在战斗中可以call矮人军出来帮忙,请先把Target指向Zrelik the Scout然后用say说出来就可以了'Garadain to my side'就是指Garadain军出来帮忙,For the Dain, Attack就是指全部的矮人军全体出动。