英语人>网络例句>自觉地 相关的搜索结果


与 自觉地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Whether wang lu-yan, xu qin-wen, xu jie, wang ren-shu, tai jing-nong, ot rou shi, xiao hong all consciously dissect and think deeply the traditional rites from the historical habits and the ignorant benumbed feeling of Chinese with the style of Lu xuns writing, and send out the tremendous power which shakes the public feeling. They play the heavyhearted ancient ballad which mirrors the life and death of the nation.


Therefore,in the premise of connection among thetheory,history and actuality,the thesis has put forward theconception of China administrative morality:directed byMarxism-Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought and Deng XiaopingTheory,use the scientific theory,proceed from the actualsituation and follow the principle of collectivism,serving,efficiency and impartiality;make sure the basic content of thecontemporary China administrative morality construction andpush the compulsory administrative morality and the idealadministrative morality;cultivate the autonomic consciousness ofadministrative morality main body through strengtheningadministrative morality education and administrative moralityculture;strengthen heteronomous system of administrativemorality with the system construction as the safeguard ofadministrative morality construction;emphasize constructingforcible wide administrative morality regulation system-theevaluation and supervision of administrative morality,uniteautonomic and heteronomous,and make the administrativebehavior carry out administrative morality obligation consciouslyin the end.


Further more, it will make managers conform to management morals more consciously as the result of the cultural and moral inheritage which has magnificent benefits on daily management practices.


Teachers'applying it to teaching activities initiatively and unconsciously can improve the teaching effect.


Meanwhile, leisure culture comes into being under a precondition of growing economy, which urges more light shed on the research and protection of the styles of leisureness which is crude, special, or suitable for a certain community.


Coincidently, in China, there are these young artists who are present during this exhibition, who rebel the tradition, doubt and worry the reality; facing the prosperous image of the world modern art with a "marginal" attitude of real artists, and keep distance with gaudy social climber; with missional responsibility and criticalness, they enter into personal experience and thinking.


It can neve r be finished. But a conscious effort to answer this challenge will change the world.


The extract of cyclocarya paliurus is mixed with flavouring agent, auxiliary material and two or more than two kinds of sodium alginate, carboxmethyl cellulose, agar and xanthan gum as stabilizing agent so as to obtain the invented health-care food with obvious effect for curing diabetes without any toxic side effect.


So even if you just decide to listen to the music and do nothing else, your mind is unconsciously piecing together what Chinese sounds like.


Admittedly, to increase the probability of success during the 7th five—year plan's period, managers must highly emphasize the critical role of new strategical ideas in the implementation process of divers missions therefore, it is necessary that he or she must consciously reidentify his or her strategical ideas with an organizational perspective.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
