英语人>网络例句>自觉地 相关的搜索结果


与 自觉地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There's only one song here that hints at the churning psychedelia of that group, and its gravity-heavy riffs and free-jazz saxophones seem largely there to mask the fact that lyrically it's a stinker.

这张专辑中只有一首《纽约》还能让你不自觉地重新卷入当年 The Verve 乐队迷幻剂般眩晕的音乐漩涡里。其实 Ashcroft 的歌词写得很臭,但这首歌里一遍比一遍加重的连复段混同自由爵士乐风格的萨克斯管却掩饰了这一点。

That is,to increase people's awareness through TV media and the education of communities and schools,encouraging them to take part in the cause of "transform trash into treasure and create a green homeworld" so that the full utilization of solid reject can be put into practise in our daily life.


While in my daily life, I use quantization methods unconsciously to get more from that.


As a part of country machine Orthodox Church, the national religion of Russia, was being Tsar regnant tool.


And in each rendition of the new economy, the best


Xie Juezai transferred ancient topics of "running routine by one s own" and " asking others to work " into modern language fitting the context of time and environment as routinism and bureaucratism, at the same time, he combined the idea closely with the leadership style of that time, so to reflect and develop political and legal tradition systematically with reality.


Salaryman, like most of his type, can never converse with a co-worker without marking unconsciously whether he is ahead of behind in seniority.


In this whirlwind of Secularism, it is very easy to be washed away by the Materialism around us.


Such feelings arose inside of me when I viewed the thousand-year old murals on the wall at the Kizil Thousand-Buddha Grottoes in Xinjiang, where I was investigating New Hole, the important passage to the Silk Road. On stepping into the cave, I felt a Buddha world before me, with time flashing backward. In a trance, my spirit flew away from my body. My foreordination made its presence before me. When leaving New Hole, I took a last glimpse of the Buddha, who looked so aloft in sedateness, with his eyelids always half drooping. The Buddha's bearing is completely different from that of human beings.


The self education is thought to be the effective way to self perfection for undergraduates.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
