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与 自白 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The First Book alone adds: and the same form of absolution shall be used in all private confessions.


That's a mighty strong admission from me.


That the life of the Christian is a warfare is amply illustrated in St. Augustine's (d. 430)"De agone christiano" and in his "Confessions".

这生命的基督徒,是战是充分说明在圣奥古斯丁(四430 )"德agone christiano ",并在他的"自白书"。

He closed his eyes, lost in his agonized confession.


Chunk white comes from albacore tuna, which is on average higher in mercury than chunk light.


The thesis concentrates on the research on the autobiographic quality of the confessional poetry of Sylvia Plath, who was an important poet of the important poetry school, the confessional poetry school, in the 20~ century in America.


This paper has comparatively analyzed four aspects of confession corroboration rule of the USA and Japan,they are the proof object、the evidence qualification、the proof degree of corroborative evidence and the confession of codefendant. Corroborative evidence should not only be able to corroborate confession and prove the truth of cases,but also prove the truth to a considerable degree.


Luther's Large and Small Catechisms (1529);(5) the Augsburg Confession, written by Melanchthon and submitted by the elector of Saxony and other Lutheran princes at Augsburg in 1530;(6) the Apology of the Augsburg Confession (1531), written by Melanchthon against the Roman confutation which had rejected the Augsburg Confession;(7) the Smalcald Articles (1537), written by Luther and summarizing the Protestant understanding of the major articles of faith for a church council that was never called;(8) the Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope (1537), written by Melanchthon to augment the Smalcald Articles; and (9) the Formula of Concord (1577), written to settle a number of disputes arising among Lutherans after Luther's death.

这本书的康科德包括以下信条和自白书:( 1 )使徒们的信条(约公元186 );( 2 )尼切诺- constantinopolitan信条( 381 );( 3 )阿他那修信经信条(约公元350-600 );( 4 )路德的大国和小catechisms ( 1529 );奥格斯堡供述,写梅兰希顿,并提交由选民萨克森州政府和其他路德王子在奥格斯堡,在15时30分,( 6 )道歉的奥格斯堡自白( 1531 ),写梅兰希顿对罗马confutation其中已拒绝奥格斯堡供述; smalcald文章( 1537 ),写的路德和总结了新教的了解主要条款的信仰教会理事会,这是从来没有所谓,( 8 )伤寒论权力和至高无上的教宗( 1537 ),写的梅兰希顿去充实smalcald物品;含有公式的康科德( 1577 ),以书面,以解决一些合同而引起的纠纷当中lutherans后路德的死因。

Accordingly, since even here at Augsburg at the very beginning of the Diet, Your Imperial Majesty caused to be proposed to the Electors, Princes, and other Estates of the Empire, amongst other things, that the several Estates of the Empire, on the strength of the Imperial edict, should set forth and submit their opinions and judgments in the German and the Latin language, and since on the ensuing Wednesday, answer was given to Your Imperial Majesty, after due deliberation, that we would submit the Articles of our Confession for our side on next Wednesday, therefore, in obedience to Your Imperial Majesty's wishes, we offer, in this matter of religion, the Confession of our preachers and of ourselves, showing what manner of doctrine from the Holy Scriptures and the pure Word of God has been up to this time set forth in our lands, dukedoms, dominions, and cities, and taught in our churches.

因此,因为即使在这里奥格斯堡在一开始的饮食,您的帝国陛下造成拟建议选民,王子,以及其他房地产帝国,除其他外,该庄园的几个帝国,强度帝国法令,应规定并提交其意见和判决书中的德国和拉丁语,因为在接下来的星期三,答案是给你的帝国陛下,适当审议后,我们将提出我们的文章自白我们的一方在下周三,因此,在服从您的帝国国王陛下的愿望,我们提议,在这个问题上的宗教,我们的自白传教士和我们自己,表现出何种方式的理论从圣经和纯天主的圣言一直到这个时候规定了我们的土地, dukedoms ,领地,城市,并教导我们的教堂。

Finally, the paper points out that the rationales evolution of the voluntary confession rule does not fundamentally


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Plunder melds and run with this jewel!


My dream is to be a crazy growing tree and extend at the edge between the city and the forest.


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