英语人>网络例句>自由思想的 相关的搜索结果


与 自由思想的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One has to dig in to know more details of freedom, what is the path to freedom.


However, he thought that Epicurus' conception of happiness as freedom from anxiety was too passive and negative.


Their admiration of nature and extolment of fine arts prepared cultural conditions for the development of figure painting into full bloom.


After the intermediate stage in the Medieval Europe, the deed theories of Hebrew culture was not only enormously promoted the economic development , with contracting freedom inherited from the ancient Rome culture, Moreover, it had expedited the people sovereignty theories. After the combination of the neoteric commodity economy with the theories of Christianity\'s original sin, belief doctrine, and the wealth view, which gave birth to the supreme status of constitution, and the conception of equality, freedom, and so on. Christianity\'s wealth view (especially the Protestantism ethics) enormously promoted the capitalism expansion and finally forms the conception that private property are sacrosanctity. The ideology of successive authority restriction from Christianity, and the Christianity\'s exercise to partial legislative power and jurisdiction power, combined with autonomous cities based on commodity economy, and the political phenomenon that merchants exerted legislative power and jurisdiction power. Those had made the mundane ruler such as king, and so on, could only take the exertion of tax revenue power as the main symbol administrative authorities. It provided historical and psychological foundation for the birth of modern decentralization theories .


After the intermediate stage in the Medieval Europe, the deed theories of Hebrew culture was not only enormously promoted the economic development , with contracting freedom inherited from the ancient Rome culture, Moreover, it had expedited the people sovereignty theories. After the combination of the neoteric commodity economy with the theories of Christianity"s original sin, belief doctrine, and the wealth view, which gave birth to the supreme status of constitution, and the conception of equality, freedom, and so on. Christianity"s wealth view (especially the Protestantism ethics) enormously promoted the capitalism expansion and finally forms the conception that private property are sacrosanctity. The ideology of successive authority restriction from Christianity, and the Christianitys exercise to partial legislative power and jurisdiction power, combined with autonomous cities based on commodity economy, and the political phenomenon that merchants exerted legislative power and jurisdiction power. Those had made the mundane ruler such as king, and so on, could only take the exertion of tax revenue power as the main symbol administrative authorities. It provided historical and psychological foundation for the birth of modern decentralization theories .


In the Xizhou dynasty to Xihan dynasty ,the physician"s position was inferior than that of witch physician though they already had high social position. From the mid of Xihan dynasty to Tang dynasty, the physician"s position is markedly went down and caused the negative influence to the development of medicine as Confucianism became the orthodox ideology of the feudal society. From Song dynasty to Yuan dynasty ,the dynasts paid high attention to medicine ,so the physicians social position was greatly upgraded ,which promoted the development of medicine . The position of physician in the Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty were unprecedentedly debased.


The reason included five aspects:①the effect of physical environment: the open geographical environment and barren soil urge the Greeks to look for development outward while the close geographical environment and advantaged condition for agriculture shaped the Chinese conservative thought and obstructed their steps of going out.②the advancing and blocking of the economic: the frequent trade offered an abundant living supply and open view while the self-sufficient agriculture with restraining trade rigidified the thought.③ the difference in politic institute and situation: the democracy polis of ancient Greece is exclusive in the ancient world. It shaped the atmosphere of freedom, democracy and adversary. While the monarchy in ancient China pursued the "united country" and shaped the atmosphere serving for politic and consolidating thoughts.④the guiding of traditional culture: the Greeks pursued freedom and wisdom and were curious about nature while the Chinese adored ancestor and obeyed the authority and prefer to pragmatism.


The reason included five aspects:①the effect of physical environment: the open geographical environment and barren soil urge the Greeks to look for development outward while the close geographical environment and advantaged condition for agriculture shaped the Chinese conservative thought and obstructed their steps of going out.②the advancing and blocking of the economic: the frequent trade offered an abundant living supply and open view while the self-sufficient agriculture with restraining trade rigidified the thought.③ the difference in politic institute and situation: the democracy polis of ancient Greece is exclusive in the ancient world. It shaped the atmosphere of freedom, democracy and adversary. While the monarchy in ancient China pursued the "united country" and shaped the atmosphere serving for politic and consolidating thoughts.④the guiding of traditional culture: the Greeks pursued freedom and wisdom and were curious about nature while the Chinese adored ancestor and obeyed the authority and prefer to pragmatism.


His economic thought about the Industrial Revolution included: an amendment to laisser faire which he believed that if only were everybody's freedom guaranteed, promoting social welfare could been realized; enclosure being a pre-condition to the agricultural progress in Britain and the establishment of individualist ownership being a law in civilized societies; and also, a refutation to the wage-fund theory of classical economics by logic and evidence and its conclusion about the improvement of workers' living standard in the Industrial Revolution.


The fifth chapter examines how the Research Clique, an intellectual group closely related to the Progressive Party and the constitutionalists, perceived revolution by studying their journal Jiefang yu gaizao (The Emancipation and Reconstruction Semi-Monthly).


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
