英语人>网络例句>自由思想的 相关的搜索结果


与 自由思想的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Its real cradle, however, was the drawing-rooms of the moderately free-thinking French nobility (1730-1789), especially those of Mme Necker and her daughter, Mme de Sta The latter was more than anybody else the connecting link between the free-thinking elements before and after the Revolution and the centre of the modern Liberal movement both in France and Switzerland.

其真正的摇篮,但是,绘图室的中度自由思考法国贵族( 1730年至1789年),特别是那些夫人克和她的女儿,夫人德站后者是更比别人连接之间的联系免费的思想元素之前和之后的革命和该中心的现代自由运动无论是在法国和瑞士。

The legal protection of the freedom of expression applies not only to the unharmful and neutral information or thoughts which accepted generally by the people,but also to the unpleasant and disturbing information or thoughts,because this protection is necessary for the pluralism,multiformity and tolerance in the democratic society.


In the United States the major source of liberal religious ideas was Unitarianism, and it had already modified the doctrines of divine sovereignty, human sin, and biblical revelation before German thought began to make itself felt.

在美国的主要来源,自由宗教思想是unitarianism ,它已经修改了的教义神圣的主权,人权罪,圣经的启示之前,德国的思想开始使自己感觉。

This article try to discuss this point from the following respects:the doctrine and aim of caodaism; the cultural psychology of Vietnamese and the impact that the thought of democratic freedom of Sun Yat-Sen exerted on the thought of democratic revolution of Vietnamese and its religion,and the impact of Chinese culture and modern democratic revolutionary movement which has been leaded by Sun Yat-Sen on that of Vietnam.


Yield rule, intensify rule, fluxion rule, types of contact and diathermanous model of metal cutting were also analyzed detailedly.


Based on the analysis of the process of free orthogonal metal cutting, the theory of elastic-plastic distortion and temperature field was discussed. Yield rule, intensify rule, fluxion rule, types of contact and diathermanous model of metal cutting were also analyzed detailedly. The FEA model of stress field and temperature field of free orthogonal metal cutting were established by the fundamental idea of FEA. State nonlinear, material nonlinear and geometry nonlinear thermal-stress coupling were analyzed by FEA technology. The separate criterion of chip and dispose of contact types were research emphatically.


This proved far too optimistic for the post-Cold War world, and even in Central Europe, where liberal democracy did emerge, the dramatic events that brought it about were messier and chancier than the dreams of neo-conservative philosophers.


In order to study the dynamic and instability rule and gain a damping evaluation method according to the test result, damping research ways of several foreign and domestic foil bearing types were compared. The interaction among cells was considered based on the approach of separating damping from stiffness. An effective damping evaluation method was developed based on the energy dissipation method. The structural damping of two-layer free plate foil bearing was analyzed on the basis of energy dissipation method.


In the Xizhou dynasty to Xihan dynasty ,the physician's position was inferior than that of witch physician though they already had high social position. From the mid of Xihan dynasty to Tang dynasty, the physician's position is markedly went down and caused the negative influence to the development of medicine as Confucianism became the orthodox ideology of the feudal society. From Song dynasty to Yuan dynasty ,the dynasts paid high attention to medicine ,so the physician's social position was greatly upgraded ,which promoted the development of medicine . The position of physician in the Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty were unprecedentedly debased. It became a very negative factor to the development of medicine.


It has the spirit of capitalism and formes the moral foundation and theories premise of market economy.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
