英语人>网络例句>自由 相关的搜索结果


与 自由 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the teleology of history, the subject of faith changed from individual man to the human being. The object of highest good changes from the synthetic connection of virtue and happiness to the final end of history; the idea of freedom became the perfect stage of the world; the importance of immortality is lower than ever, and degenerated into "the faith of second rank"; the function of God lies in guaranteeing the possibility of final end of history.


Through correlative analysis and path analysis, it finds that (1) the family environment and the colleges and universities environment have direct and indirect influence on self-identity development of students; and (2) the family environment and the colleges and universities environment exert the major effect on self-identity development of students through identity style as mediational variable, so identity style becomes the explanatory base of self-identity status. That is, the predictive effect of diffuse/avoidant identity style for identity diffusion, normative identity style for identity foreclosure, and information identity style for identity achievement respectively is most significant; and (3) family environment that is helpful, supportive, warm, expressive, and promote autonomy and independence possibly makes students form identity achievement or identity moratorium, family environment that is excessively cohesive and warm but lacking independence possibly promote students to form identity foreclosure, and family environment that lacks of supportive and warm possibly make students form identity diffusion; and (4) colleges and universities environments that have better relationship system, clear developmental purpose, and promote to pay attention to societal concerns, critical and explorative qualities, and provide healthy, expressive, democratic, open atmosphere facilitate identity development, in turn form advanced identity. Colleges and universities environments that only emphasize the receival of colleges and universities aims, order and instilments, and scarcely encourage critique, exploration, individuation possibly make students form identity foreclosure. However, the ones that is remote relationship system, and lacking support, and students don't cognize the aim of colleges and universities possibly make students form identity diffusion.


Dr Jean-Michel Savoie and his team from the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, a governmental research institute in France, found that anti-radical activity was equivalent to, if not more, than the better known mushrooms when they measured the respective mushrooms' free radical scavenging ability.

医生让-米歇尔萨瓦和他的团队从的Institut National de la研究和agronomique ,一个政府研究机构在法国发现,抗自由基的活性相等于,如果不是更比更广为人知蘑菇时,他们测量了各自的蘑菇'清除自由基能力。

According to the effect of relative permittivity εr on the pulse propagation velocity in lossy dielectric space and the effect on the turnround time of signal between the antenna and the buried objects, it is presented that lossy dielectric space can be transformed into free space and the simulation results abtained from free space can also be amended to lossy dielectric space.

对探地雷达的微波全息成像法进行了分析研究,根据有耗介质空间中的εr 对脉冲传播速度的影响,以及对脉冲在收发天线与目标之间的往返时间的影响指出:可将有耗介质空间转化到自由空间,再将自由空间中的计算结果修正到有耗介质空间。

Then, it is argued that the first of the two clauses of the construction is a correlative clause taking the form of an operator-variable construction (the variable being the wh-word), and that the relativization is realised through Conjoin-α, a default operation of Adjoin-α, which conjoins the operator-variable construction with the head, the wh-word in the second clause (in the form of an E-type pronoun).


They should also question the university for repressing students and students organizations' free speech and activities.


In order to study the numerical method to solve the viscous incompressible flow with free surface, the 3-D mathematical model for steady and unsteady hydrodynamic problem had been established and closed by k-εbuoyant turbulence model. The algebraic coordinate transformation method was used to fit the free surface, the Runge-Kutta method of three step and second precision was devised to simulate the time step. A high precision up-winding compact scheme was studied for the convection term, and the generalized conjugate residual method was set to solve the Poisson equation.


The problem is not our effect on the environment so much as our relationship with the environment, especially of the rational practical revivification, comparative mature in main part of consciousness and reconstruction of cultural spirit in the new century, Were managing to have a better understanding of the new relationship between human civilization and the earths natural balance.


Language education is a person of education, it in no case and only lie in development student to control a kind of tool or technical ability, but more should value shape the student's emotion and thoughts and feelings, development the student's innate intelligence and imagination dint, creative power, development student's individual;Want to let "shining life of vitality" of the language classroom, must make the student make the student a revivification for the person of "freedom growth of life" in"freedom aware of self of activity" demonstration life of value.


In this thesis, we want to describe the new one-carbon chain extension and ring expansion of 1,3-diketones, which is the first report based on our knowledge.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。