英语人>网络例句>自由 相关的搜索结果


与 自由 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on Fenton reaction and the auto-oxidation of pyrogallol, the anti-radical activity of morinda officinalis how was studied by spectrophotometry. The morinda officinalis how has obvious scavenging effects on hydroxyl radical and superoxide anion radicalO2(superscript - with the efficiency related to concentration of morinda officinalis how.


Oxygen-containing free radicals are produced when oxygen is not completely reduced to water in energy-producing oxidation reaction.


The fourth part point out a series of actuality performance of abuse police administrative discretionary power,analyzing the reasons and its banes, on this foundation, put forward the necessity of control police administrative discretionary power.


With a strong contemporary community who put sharp spearhead at Berlins negative liberty concept, and in some exaggeration in the form of negative and positive liberty is completely antagonistic to the freedom of contemporary misunderstanding of the community, this caused by including Habermas, Chantal.


I have a dreamthat one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with itsgovernor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition"and "nullification"-- one day right there in Alabama little blackboys and black girls will be able to join hands with little whiteboys and white girls as sisters and brothers.


In the second part, quantum chemical AM1 methods were employedto theoretically investigate the electronic structures of maleic anhydride in ground- and excited-states. On basis of the frontier orbital theoryand three bonding principles, the possibility of reaction of active α-hydroxysuccinic anhydride carbanion and active α-hydroxy-succinic anhydride radical on polymerization process of MArespectively by alkali catalyst and by hydroxyl radical was discussed. Theanionic and radical polymerization of MA discussed also. Theoreticalstudies show that both polymerization products of MA are in the chainstructures, corresponding to the experimental findings.


The extracts of water and alcohol were separated by ion exchange resin. The eluates of neutral solution were the most effective against hydroxyl radicals and the highest rate of inhibiting hydroxyl radicals was 81%. The eluates of basic solution were also effective, the inhibit rate of which was 60%.


Editor this segment Culture, Galileo's free fallers experiment Legend, was born in 1590 Pisa's Italian physicist Galileo, once in Pisa in free fall, two experiments of different weights from the same height and ball down, the ball at the same time, two of free fall, and found that the overthrow Aristotle first heavy objects will reach the ground with its head, the speed is proportional to the mass of the view.


If a man is thought-free, fancy-free, imagination-free, that which is not never for a long time appearing to be to him, unwise rulers or reformers cannot fatally interrupt him....


If a man is thought-free, fancy-free, imagination-free, that which is not never for a long time appearing to be to him, unwise rulers or reformers cannot fatally interrupt him....


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
