英语人>网络例句>自由 相关的搜索结果


与 自由 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The basic task of socialist collectivism is to promote and ensure with great effort the harmony of the society. Thus, our society or community ought to create an equal opportunity for every free individual (including the concern for the weak group and limit to the gap between the rich and the poor).(3) In order to ensure the individuals' full and free development and social harmony, it must be required that: first, an individual obey the principle of no harm to others while pursuing the right of self-development; second, the moral code of conduct which represents the entire social interests be established on the basis of □ inter-subjective (inter-individual) rational consensus.


Since Sartre does not have another ontological work, this opinion leads to the conclusion that Sartre's ethics is impossible. Mary Warnock, Walter Odajnyk, and Wilfrid Desan are representatives of this position.


Another seminal work of Milton was Areopagitica, among history's most influential and impassioned philosophical defences of the principle of a right to freedom of speech, which was written in opposition to licensing and censorship and is regarded as one of the most eloquent defenses of press freedom ever written.


Regard pursueing "Spiel" of freedom as the starting point, adopt the tactics jeered at, talked in professional jargon, through is it construct to conciliate to traditional subversion of literature, revolt tradition and classics. Embody in theindividual free psychology by "there is no regular following one"s benting and write the experience of life at first, come from compatibly the writing in the form of pluralism.


For the DPPH free radical scavenging, their EC50 values are 19.05 mg/ml and 15.61 mg/ml respectively, but their anti-oxidant capacities are 40 to 60 % higher than fresh ones. Hot water extracts of Boehmeria nivea root experienced sun dry treatment have a better ability to scavenging ABTS free radical (EC50=34.16 μg/ml)when compared to that of fresh root, which only have one tenth anti-oxidant ability left.

经冷冻乾燥和日晒乾燥的苎麻叶热水萃取物其抗氧化成分较新鲜者低约55至67 %,而对DPPH自由基清除能力其EC50分别为19.05 mg/ml和15.61 mg/ml,相对其抗氧化能力却较新鲜者为高约40至60%;经日晒乾燥苎麻根热水萃取物其清除ABTS自由基能力(EC50=34.16 μg/ml)明显较新鲜者为高,显示其清除自由基能力只剩1/10。

The reaction between 3, 4 cinnamic acid and 〓 has also been investigated as an evidence for the electron transfer mechanism.


When the concentration of MAH is higher than that of St, some MAH monomer reacts with St to form SMA, others can directly grafts onto PP macroradicals. When the amount of St added is higher than that of MAH, part of St monomer may preferentially react with PP macroradicals to form more stable styryl macroradicals, while others copolymerize with MAH, yielding SMA. MFR of the grafted PP is lower in this case. It is considered that MFR of the grafted PP is decided by concentration of free monomers, or, number of grafting reactive species. FTIR analysis confirmed the above mechanism.


In the DQ/EG homogeneous solution, the enhanced emissive CIDEP signal of the neutral durosemiquinone radical DQH(superscript ﹒) was observed. When the DQ/EG solution with pH=9 or DQ/EG/TX-100/H2O micelle system was photolyzed, the CIDEP signal of the duroquinone anion radical DQ(superscript ﹒- was obtained. When the DQ/EG solution with pH=2.5 was irradiated, the CIDEP signal of DQH(superscript ﹒) appeared.


Aβ(β-amyloid peptide) induce neuronal cell damage by increasing the generation of ROS. Therefore, we further assessed the effects of test compounds on living cells. Esculetin was the most potent agent at protecting cells against Aβ induced cell cytotoxisity via inhibiting the generation of ROS or ROS scavenging among the tested coumarin derivatives.


Existentially, there is no way of knowing if the lover will love me tomorrow. I can hope that he will, but within his freedom anything is possible. My anxiety may cause me to wonder if I will love the other tomorrow. So love is love by the proactive free choice that is made moment to moment. In this sense, how we love will be as different as each person and situation is, so that freedom will always be needed to confirm it.With that I would say that love would be love when it leaves desire for identity behind and instead seeks only to love the whole.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
