英语人>网络例句>自我反省 相关的搜索结果


与 自我反省 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I gave the student an activity to prompt selfreflection, with the goal of eliciting a plan of action.


But for the most part, a monkey will type out a Shakespeare play before an "independent" mutual-fund director will suggest that his fund look at other managers, even if the incumbent manager has persistently delivered substandard performance. When they are handling their own money, of course, directors will look to alternative advisors – but it never enters their minds to do so when they are acting as fiduciaries for others.

当一家基金公司-我们姑且称之为 A 公司,被一位经理人 B 以极高价位买断时,弥漫在这个系统内的伪善气氛就会被特别凸显,这时我们立刻可以发现这些独立董事们终于开始&自我反省&,认为 B 先生才是最佳的基金经理人,尽管 B 先生不是今天才存在这个业界,而且通常很不凑巧的,B 先生在自 A 先生手中买下 A 公司后,其薪资价码肯定比原本的薪资水准高得许多,我想主要原因在于,为了取得 A 公司,B 先生已经砸下了大笔的银子,非得从连带移转过来 A 公司的股东们支付(这也是交易的附带条件)的管理费中捞回来不可,(如果想要多了解基金公司的内幕,建议各位读一读 John Bogle 的著作-共同基金的常识一书)。

She intersperses her self-reflections and anecdotes with perceptive insights into Western culture:"Generally speaking, Americans have an inability to relax into sheer pleasure...Ours is an entertainment-seeking nation, but not necessarily a pleasure-seeking one...Americans don't really know how to do nothing."


"The organization of the government itself is something which we ought to examine in a more self-conscious way -- the Federal Reserve and the Treasury and the Securities and Exchange Commission," Williamson said.

& &政府的机构本身需要以一种更加自我反省的方式进行研究--联邦储备委员会,财政部和证券交易委员会,威廉姆森说。

Do reflection every day.


Not everything is working, money, relationships," says the reflective Puerto Rican singer."


The dismal science attracts more sober-suited math geeks than poetic seekers.


Claiming that it reduced the experience of the communist movement to "a tattered flag"(this was a response which itself was reflective of a dogmatic and brittle approach to what communism is, rather than regarding it and wielding it as what it really is: a living and developing critical revolutionary science, one of the hallmarks of which is its continual self-interrogation)—and, on the other hand, besides those who welcomed Conquer the World?


The Master said,"Since,on inward examination,he is not consciencestricken,what anxiety and fear does he have?"


Rather than self soulsearching, she blamed her husband for the failure of their marriage.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
