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与 自发的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results show that this reaction proceeds in two step: 1 silylene and formaldehyde form an intermediate complex, which is a kind of exothermal reaction with no barrier; 2 the intermediate complex isomerizes to sive the product. The barrier for the second step is 51.4kJ·mol^-^1 at MP2/6-31G^*//6-31G^* level (with zero-point energies correction). In view of dynamics and thermodynamics, it is between 300~400K that the reaction will have not only larger spontaneous tendency and equilibrium constant but also quicker reaction rate.


However, to today's human development in the absence of reason to recognize this fact the case, ignored the world finitude, and in a spontaneous and not conscious of the state to unlimited symbols to express the world.


A colony of ants on the move from one nest site to another exhibits the Kafkaesque underside of emergent control.


The main viewpoints and model of developing countries MNEs include FDI development cycle put forward by Dunning, the theory of small scale technology put forward by Wells, the theory of localised technological change put forward by Lall, the theory of technological accumulation and industrial upgrade put forward by Tolentino, the model of dynamic comparative advantagr impelling put forward by Aggarwal and Agmon, the model of dynamic competition tactic in technological accumulation put forward by Xian guo-ming and Yang rui.


Propose luring the making transition mandatorily to the demand from the policy in the industrial structure change route of China, under the demand lures the spontaneous industrial structure change is the optimum route.


From the perspective of hotels and on the basis of previous studies, this thesis makes "relationship quality" as initial variable,"voluntary behavior of the distributors" as mesne variable, to study the "performance of the hotel" on the logic of relationship among them with the relationship marketing theory as the starting point.


The phenomenon demonstrates that the perovskite is a stable state with low free energy. The (1-x) PMN- x PT system has a morphotropic phase boundary separating the tetragonal and rhombohedral phases. The MPB is located in the vicinity of x = 33%. The PMN-PT ceramics near the phase boundary possesses excellent piezoelectric performance. d33 can reach to 540 pC/N. kt and kp can be up to 0.45 and 0.62, respectively.

在准同型相界附近,PMN-PT陶瓷材料具有较好的压电性能,d33可达540 pC/N,kt、kp分别可达0.45和0.62;在准同型相界附近,极化后的(1-x)PMN-xPT陶瓷材料(0.22 x 0.35)的介电常数在温度诱导FR-FT相变过程中发生突变;PMN-PT陶瓷材料在FR-FT相变过程中呈现出一个热释电峰,反应了自发极化在相变过程中发生了非线性的变化。

The study of interest in a broader sense as a psychological and pedagogical issue by Russian researchers is mainly influenced by Pavlovs theory of nervism, according to which interest is a kind of reflex raised to the level of second signal system.


RESULTS: Totally 57 rats enrolled in this study, all animals completed Hot pain allergic symptom could not be observed on rats in experimental group during the whole experimental process, but continuously appeared in discharge percentage of nerve fibers at the central end of experimental rat sciatic nerve was remarkably lower than that of the control group 6.79%Sympathetic postganglion nerve fiber budding was not obvious in the slices of entire L4-5 dorsal root neuroganglion of injury side in 6 experimental rats,and basket-shaped cell could not be observed, but sympathetic postganglion nerve fiber budding was obvious in 2 rats in control groups with altogether 41 basket-shaped cells observed.

电生理实验:实验组大鼠坐骨神经中枢端的神经纤维自发放电百分数显著低于对照组(6.79%,46 7%)。③背根神经节切片荧光染色结果:实验组6只大鼠损伤侧L4-5的全部背根神经节切片中看不到明显的交感节后神经纤维芽生,没找到篮状细胞,而在对照组2只大鼠损伤侧L4-5的全部背根神经节切片中可看到明显的交感节后神经纤维芽生,共找到篮状细胞41只。

METHODS: A dose-response relationship of 8-OH-DPAT, spontaneousphrenic nerve activity and a nociceptive C-fiber reflexwere established simultaneously in an in situ perfused, nonanesthetized,rat brainstem-spinal cord preparation. Fentanyl was administered in situ to investigate the interaction with 8-OH-DPAT on phrenicnerve activity and nociceptive CFR.

在准备好的原位灌注,未麻醉的大鼠脑干-脊髓上同时建立8-OH-DPAT 的量效关系,自发膈神经活动和疼痛 C -纤维反射原位给予芬太尼观察其与8-OH-DPAT 对膈神经活动和疼痛 C -纤维反射的相互影响。

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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
