英语人>网络例句>腺嘌呤基 相关的搜索结果


与 腺嘌呤基 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the end, the effects of methylation on the properties of uracil and adenine-uracil base pair have been investigated.


In the present study, influences of 6-BA (6-benzyl aminopurine) on cluster root formation, exudation of citrate and malate and their concentration in the root clusters of P-deficient white lupin plants were studied by using of non-destructive localized collection method and high-performance liquid chromatography analyze technique.


A form of post-transcriptional modification to mRNA in eukaryotes in which adenine is deaminated to form inosine, an unusual base.


A I editing A form of post-transcriptional modification to mRNA in eukaryotes in which adenine is deaminated to form inosine, an unusual base.

A I 编辑真核生物中对 mRNA 进行转录后修饰的一种形式,修饰时将腺嘌呤脱氨基形成次黄苷,次黄苷是一种非普通碱基。

This kind of configuration suits the multi-nucleotide chain's purine pyrimidine alternate area. in 1989, the American scientists with scanning tunnel electron microscope law visual observation double helix DNA double helix DNA ︰ in 1952, Austrian lineage US biology chemist Zha Qiefu (E.chargaff,1905-) have determined in DNA 4 kind of basic group content, the discovery gland fat ling and thymine quantity are equal, the bird fat ling and cytosine quantity is equal.

这种构型适合多核苷酸链的嘌呤嘧啶交替区。1989年,美国科学家用扫描隧道电镜法直接观察到双螺旋DNA 双螺旋DNA︰1952年,奥地利裔美国生物化学家查伽夫(E.chargaff,1905—)测定了DNA中4种碱基的含量,发现其中腺膘呤与胸腺嘧啶的数量相等,鸟膘呤与胞嘧啶的数量相等。

Excised garlic scapes treated with 3H-labelled 6-benzyladenlne were stored under 25℃ in the dark for respectively 8, 5, 10, 15, and 20 days before they were sampled.

离体蒜苔饲喂带3H标记的6—苄基腺嘌呤后在暗中25℃下放置,分别在第 3、5、10、15、20天取样,进行放射性物质的分布分析。

In this paper,plumules,cotyledons,hypocotyls,leaf blades,petioles and stalks of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) were used as explants,and callus induction and plant regeneration were studied on MS medium contained different concentrations of 6-BA and NAA.


One of the purines or pyrimidines that occurs attached to the sugar component of DNA or RNA.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
