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与 腰痛的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The chronic cervicitis is judged fromappearing chronic inflammatory cell infiltration, Clinical oftendisplays the vagina secretion increases, the purulence or courage anduprightness leucorrhea, the postcoital bleeding, the backache, theunderbelly falls the pain and so on, it is more than acute cervicitis,mainly happens woman who refers to child-bearing age.


The Mole had been working very hard all the morning, spring-cleaning his littleHome. First with brooms, then with dusters; then on ladders and steps andchairs, with a brush and a pail of whitewash; till he had dust in his throat andeyes, and splashes of whitewash all over his black fur, and an aching back and


The analgesic mechanism of yaotuilitoogsan pill is by depressing the expression of algesia neurotranamitter CORP in neurons of DRO on the non-compressive nucleus pulposus protrusion injury nerve root.


Therapeutic effect,observation index and laboratory index were compositively evaluated.Results The total effective rates for beriberoid disease,rheumatoid,ankylosing spondylitic dialectical,pains on neck-shoulder-waist-leg,retention of cold-damp in the collaterals,cold-heat complicated syndrome,obstruction of collaterals cold hygrosis in the study group were 98.89%,94.00%,96.15%,94.05%,98.22%,94.84%,95.52%,while the control group were

结果 治疗组对风湿、类风湿、强直性脊柱炎、颈肩腰腿痛、寒湿阻络证、寒热错杂证、痰瘀阻络证总有效率分别为98.89%,94.00%,96.15%,94.05%,98.22%,94.84%,95.52%;对照组分别为46.67%,20.00%,13.33%,45.00%,41.46%,10.53%,47.62%,显示中药汽疗仪辨证施药雾化透皮法对四病三证的总有效率均超过90%,对照组总有效率均未能达到50%,两组病证分别相比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01或P<0.001);治疗组在改善临床症状、体征和实验室指标等方面的疗效肯定(P<0.05或P<0.01),研究过程中未发现严重的不良反应。

There are 23 species and 3 varieties Orobanche plants in China,most of which are distributed over north,northwest and northeast.The compounds of Orobanche were reported at phenylethanoid glycosides such as acteoside and isoacteoside,and acteoside has significantly protective againstα-galactose induced hepatic injury,which is better than Biphenyl dicarboxylate.

第一部分紫花列当化学成分及生物活性研究紫花列当Orobanche coerulescens Steph为列当科列当属二年生或多年生寄生草本植物,性温、味甘,生长于沙丘、干草原、砾石沙地和戈壁之中,寄生在菊科蒿属植物的根上,具有补肾、强筋之功效,用于肾虚、腰膝冷痛、阳痿遗精和神经官能症等疾病的治疗。

The recuperation center was found in the 1980s,and has formed a unique therapy, which is effective for cervical spondylosis、hemiplegy、stroke sequela、joint recovery,etc. It is evaluated the "1357" TCM project construction unit、the accented department of Guangdong province. Orthopaedics and surgery are the key disciplinary areas or priority fields of study.A lot of diseases of orthopaedics can receive a good effectiveness which applied to the tradictional Chinese treatment.Colpitis,emmeniopathy and infertility are treated undet the therapy of tradictonal Chinese medicine in the department of gynaecology and obstetrics.We own delivery room which has many humanistic services such as one-to-one company dilivery,swimming and audiometry for neonate,post partum rehalilitation.We already develop lots of saving work at any time by emergency department..


We evaluated the sufferer's clinical curative effect before the second treatment, third treatment and in the 21th day with evaluate criteria.painful degree was recorded respectively with the visual analog score and lumbodynia and skelalgia score before each time of treatment and 7st day after the last treatment;detected IgG and IgM from blood serum before the first treatment and 7st day after the last treatmen.


Spondylolysis were showed in sagittal images. Conclusion: The scan range were increased for the fourth lumbar to first sacroiliac interverteral disc and contained vertebral arch for conventional intervertebral disc. The spiral scanning were performed for lumbar spondyloschisis and with MPR along the direction of vertebral arch. The method is simple and useful for the patients suffered low-back pain.

对常规椎间盘扫描采用对L(下标 4~5)及L5~S1,椎间盘加大扫描范围,包括椎弓根层面的方法,对于轴位扫描发现或可疑峡部裂的患者再做相应椎体螺旋扫描,行平行于峡部的椎弓长轴多平面斜矢状面和矢状面重建,是腰腿痛病人CT检查的简单、实用的有效方法。

Abstract] Objective To observe the therapeutic value of ansepidermal dissolution of the nucleus pulposus by O3 under the spiral CT.Methods One hundred and sixteen patients approved to be protrusion of lumbar intervertable by CT or MR,and comporting ache of the small of the back and lower limbs,were treated by dissolution of the nucleas pulposas under the spiral CT.

目的 探讨螺旋CT引导下经皮穿刺臭氧髓核溶解术治疗腰椎间盘突出症的价值方法 116例患者经CT或MRI检查证实腰椎间盘突出症,均表现为腰背部疼痛及下肢麻痛,在CT的引导下行臭氧髓核溶解术治疗。

Hot Springs has a very rich mineral resources of temperature, water temperature as high as 76 ° C, spring water is rich in iron, sulfur, radon, calcium, magnesium and other 48 kinds of minerals wholesome for nerve pain, rheumatism , lumbar muscle strain, muscle atrophy, gastroenterology and many other diseases with significant efficacy;泡浴can often skin beauty, beauty fitness.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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