英语人>网络例句>胰 相关的搜索结果

与 胰 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods The ANP model of rat was established by injection of 5 % sodium taurocholate into the choledochus.


Methods ANP model of rat was established by injection of 5 % sodium taurocholate into the choledochus.


The model of SAP was reproduced by retrograde injection of 5% sodium taurocholate into the pancreatic duct of rats.


Methods The ANP model of rat was established by injection of 5 % sodium taurocholate into the choledochus.

要领 选用大鼠63只,在胆管内注射5%牛磺胆酸钠溶液诱导大鼠ANP模子。

MethodsThe ANP model of rat was established by injection of 5 % sodium taurocholate into the choledochus.


Methods SAP animal model was developed in adult male rats by retrograde injection of 5% sodium taurocholate.

管内逆行注射5 %牛磺胆酸钠的方法建立SAP大鼠模型。

SAP was produced by administration of 5% sodium taurocholate into the pancreatic duct.


Methods : SAP model of rat was established by retrograde injection of sodium taurocholate into the pancreatic duct.


SAP rat model was induced by intraductal administration of 5% sodium taurocholate.

逆行性胆管注射5 %牛磺酸钠建立SAP大鼠模型。

SAP was induced in rats by injection of 5% sodium taurocholate into biliopancreatic duct.


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And Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, Your father and your brothers have come to you.

47:5 法老对约瑟说,你父亲和你弟兄们到你这里来了。

Additionally, the approximate flattening of surface strip using lines linking midpoints on perpendicular lines between geodesic curves and the unconditional extreme value method are discussed.


Hey Big Raven, The individual lies dont matter anymore - its ALL a tissue of lies in support of...
