英语人>网络例句>胚胎 相关的搜索结果


与 胚胎 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In blastula embryos and 50% epiboly embryos, the zygotic pou2 transcript is also distributed in every blastomere cell. At the stage of 90% epiboly, expression of pou2 converges to the dorsal midline of embryos and locates in two waves of lateral neural plate and two transverse stripes in the brain region. In embryos at 100% epiboly, pou2 transcript is restricted in the neural plate and areas of presumptive midbrain amid himdbrain. From somite stage, gibel carp pou2 can not be detected any more, which is consistent with the RT-PCR result.


Mutants withdefects in epiboly, axis, somite, head, and cardiac and blood systems were identifiedby observing morphological changes in F3 embryos. Additionally, in situhybridization was adopted to identify mutant lines with altered expression patterns ofdpr2, frb35 and insulin.

通过对 F3 代胚胎的表型观察,鉴定了在外包、体轴、体节、头部、心血管系统等表现异常的突变体;通过原位杂交的方法,筛选了 dpr2,frb35 和胰岛素基因表达异常的突变体。

A genechip analysis was performed using RNAs derived from embryos injected with squint mRNA, MZoep mutant embryos that are deficient in Nodal signaling, and wildtype embryos at the 30% epiboly stage Transcriptswith at least two-fold changes in expression level between wildtype and the other samples were identifyied In squint mRNA-injected embryos, 265 transcripts show anincreased expression level and 111 have a decreased expression level; in MZoep embryos, the expression of 1 495 transcripts increases while 550 transcripts express at a decreased level.


We found that TN-C was abundant in the early heart development of rats, it was suggested that TN-C reference to the early heart morphogenesis; TN-X was poorly expressed in epicardium in hearts of ED11.5, implied it may have something to do with the formation of the coronary artery.


In this study,the expression and role of PAI-3 in the epithelization of human skin,including normal adult human skin,cultured differentiated keratinocytes and the development of human embryo,were observed,so as to elucidate the possible role of PAI-3 in the epithelization of skin and provide the experimental base for further studying the mechanism in epithelization of skin and all kinds of skin diseases.

本实验旨在研究正常成人皮肤组织及培养分化KC 中和胚胎生长发育过程表皮KC 中的PAI-3 的表达及作用,希望有助于阐明PAI-3 在皮肤上皮化中的功能,为进一步研究PAI-3 在皮肤上皮化中的机制及各种皮肤疾病提供实验基础。

Objective:To study the proliferation and apoptosis of epithelia in the esophagus and intestines of fetal mice.


For household users to establish simple antifreeze dilution disposal ways of applying gender-controlled embryo freezingly-preserved technique by one-step vitrification dilution method,A,B,and C structure approaches of liquid layers in canaliculi were applied to investigate their survival capacity after embryos freshly-split by one-step dilution;and minimum capacity refrigerant method in specific canaliculus and above structure approach of liquid layer B were also applied to compare their survival capacity of frozen and melted embryos freshly split,and frozen and melted IVF embryos splited by one-step dilution.


In order to study the mechanism by which estrogen effects on bone, the effect of estrone on expression of c-myc protein in the epiphyseal plate of fetal mouse long bone was detected by immunohistochemistry procedure in vitro.


The natural form of LIF is a 38 to 67 kDa glycosylatedprotein widely expressed in both adult and embryonic eutherian mammals .


In eutherian mammals, XCI is thought to be triggered by the expression of the non-coding Xist RNA from the future inactive X chromosome3, 4, 5; Xist RNA in turn is proposed to recruit protein complexes that bring about heterochromatinization of the Xi6, 7. Here we test whether imprinted XCI, which results in preferential inactivation of the paternal X chromosome, occurs in mouse embryos inheriting an Xp lacking Xist.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
