英语人>网络例句>胚胎 相关的搜索结果


与 胚胎 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The distribution of the growth-associated protein (GAP-43) which is close related to the axon regeneration was examined by immunocytochemical method in the adult rat brain and the rat parietal lobus injuried into which the fetal cerebral suspension was lransplanted.


Studies on longans specific proteins in the embryo development stagesIEF-SDS-PAGE technique was applied to comparing and analyzing the changes of protein component during longan embryos differentiation and development.

福建农林大学硕士学位论文 3龙眼胚胎发育时期的特异性蛋白质应用双向电泳技术分析研究了龙眼胚胎发育时期蛋白质组分的变化。

The tetrad of megaspores was linear shaped, with one of them being functional.


Sowe selected the colchicine optimum parameters were 0.6μg/ml and 6 hour culturedduration.The second, there were no significantly differences between the four groupsin 2 hour groups; and there were significantly differences between 0.2μg/ml groups and other three groups in 4 hour groups; and there were no significantlydifferences between the four groups in 6 hour groups; and there were significantlydifferences between 0.4μg/ml groups and other three groups in 8 hour groups onthe metaphases (P<0.05), in the experiment of the effect on the mouse 8-cellembryo stage single blastomere of colchicine with different concentrations andduration by x~2 statistical analysis.


So we selected thevinblastine optimum parameters were 0.1μg/ml and 8 hour cultured duration.The fourth, there were significantly differences percent between 10 hourgroups and other three groups in 0.1μg/ml groups; and there were no significantlydifferences between 8 hour groups and 10 hour groups, but they had significantlydifferences among other two groups in 0.3μg/ml groups; and there weresignificantly differences between 10 hour groups and other three hour groups in0.5μg/ml groups; and there were significantly differences between 10 hour groupsand other three groups in 0.7μg/ml groups on the metaphases (P<0.05), in theexperiment of the effect on the mouse 8- cell embryo stage single blastomere ofvinblastine with different concentrations and duration, by x~2 statistical analysis.


So we selected the colchicine optimumparameters were 0.2μg/ml and 6 hour cultured duration.The third, there were significantly differences percent between 10 hourgroups and other three groups (4 hour groups, 6 hour groups and 8 hour groups) in0.1μg/ml groups; and there were significantly differences between 8 hour groupsand 10 hour groups, but they had no significantly differences among other twogroups in 0.3μg/ml groups; and there were significantly differences between 10hour groups and 6 hour groups, but 10 hour groups had no significantlydifferences among other two groups in 0.5μg/ml groups; and there weresignificantly differences between 8 hour groups and other three groups in0.7μg/ml groups on the metaphases (P<0.05), in the experiment of the effect onthe mouse 4- cell embryo stage single blastomere of vinblastine with differentconcentrations and duration, by x~2 statistical analysis.


Sowe selected the vinblastine optimum parameters were 0.1μg/ml and 8 hourcultured duration.The fifth, there were significantly differences between 0.45% sodium chloride groups and other two groups (0.5% sodium citrate groups and 0.35%potassium chloride groups) on the metaphases (P<0.05), in the experiment of theeffect on the mouse 4-and 8-cell embryo stage single blastomere of differenthypotonic fluids, by x~2 statistical analysis.


Like many embryonic cells, myoblasts from prenatal rats or chicks are easy to culture


In addition, we studied the distribution of mitochondria in metaphase Ⅱ rabbit oocytes, zygotes and early embryos by two active mitochondria dyes and revealed the change of active mitochondria during early development of rabbit embryos. We also found that the distribution of microfilaments and microtubules have similar patterns to that of active mitochondria, which is an important basis for further development of animal cloning study using the recipient oocytes derived from rabbit.


The embryo at this stage acquires the appearance of a chewed substance, because the somites at the back of the embryo somewhat resemble teeth marks in a chewed substance.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
