英语人>网络例句>胚胎 相关的搜索结果


与 胚胎 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The argues about ethical aspects aroused by embryonic stem cells seem to be claming down, a new argue about embryonic stem cell-derived ga metes and its ethical impact comes out.


During the first 3 days of sequence culture, SOF and granulosa cell enhanced the development of porcine parthenogenetic embryos and the cleavage rate (P.05) and the number of beyond 4-cell embryos. During the following 3 days. NCSU-23 supplemented with FCS and POEC supported the embryo to morulae/blastocysts.


Confocal microscope detection experiments showed that, in morulae and blastocysts, with theincreasing concentration of BPA, embryo of cytochrome C release rate increased. This showedthat the cytochrome C involved in BPA-induced the embryos apoptosis process. This processis regulated by the mitochondrial pathway.


This experiment object was 1-cell embryo of KUNMING mouse , ROS was added in different developmental phases through basal medium with CZB medium, cultured to morulae, early blastula, blastula and the hatching of blastula, observed the change of cell number and cleavage index of embryo.


Methods\ The 6 5mol/L glycerol and 6% BSA were used as the vitrification solution for the cryopreservation of morulae and blastocysts embryos of CBA,NOD,C 57 BL/6J,ICR and CD1 mouse.

采用 6 5mol L的甘油作为冷冻保护剂,采用二步法对CBA、NOD、C57BL 6J、ICR及CD1小鼠 3 5d的胚胎进行玻璃化冷冻,并比较了不同品系小鼠胚胎的复苏率及移植受孕率。

Expression of tert and hprt genes were detected simultaneous in all single-copy embryos developed at 4-C (65h-post hCG, 4/4), 8-C (75 h-post hCG, 4/4), morulae (93h-post hCG, 4/4) and blastocyst (118h-post hCG, 4/4) stages and the level of transcription increased.

结果表明,持家基因hprt在成熟卵母细胞受精前后,以及胚胎早期发育过程中均存在转录本。40%卵母细胞中存在的tert mRNA在受精后很快降解,检测不到;胚胎基因组在2-C早期开始转录tert mRNA,转录水平逐渐上升。

But because IVF is expensive and uncertain, most people want to create as many embryos as possible in one go. Extras are inevitable.


Methods The mouse uterus of 1-3 days implantation embryos were separated, sheared and cultivated. Inner cell masses were dissociated and passaged in two days according to routine method of ES cells digesting and passaging.


Geoffroy contended that embryonic development recapitulated transformations of organisms in past eras when the environment acted on embryos, and that animal structures were determined by a constant plan as demonstrated by homologies.


Embryo sexing is one of the important parts of embryo engneering techniques, which has played an important role in livestock breeding, reproduction and prevention of genetic diseases.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
