英语人>网络例句>胚胎 相关的搜索结果


与 胚胎 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the other hand, in spite of the severely distorted axis, the FoxD5-overexpressed embryos displayed neither somite nor muscle defects. Based on these results, we speculate that FoxD5 plays different roles in axis and somite formation. During somitogenesis, FoxD5 functions in the maintenance of the anteroposterior polarity of somites, and in turn plays roles in proper formation of somites.


Methods: Adult mice of Kunming variety were used as experiment animals. After judgement of oestrus, the oestrus period and oestrus stage were determined, and then those mouse were grouped depending on oestrus stage. The mice were dealed with diferrent dosage of PMSG and HCG to make them superovulation, afterwords were mated individually with the male mouse together at same cage. The embryoes were rinsed out and evaluated after 3.5 days when the plug had been seen. The transplant mice were born after the high-quality embryoes were transferred into the receptors mouse uterus at the same oestrus stage which was stimulated by mating with the male mouse which spermaduct had been ligated previously.


Previous studies have demonstrated that primary spermatocyte can undergo meiotic divisions in MI oocytes and the resulting embryos can develop to term. However, the success rate is very poor.


To estabish reproduction and breeding system in the spottdc deer;(2)To conduct frozen preservation of the spotted deer's semen and embryo;(3)To conduct development of artifical insemination and embryo transfer by demonstration in the spotted deer;(4)Study on nutrition requrement and the application of mordern nutrition modulation technique;(5)To estabish significant deseases testing and preventive systems;(6)To estabish adminastrative software of computer system.


Using the shape of this embryonic ring was to be applied to measure the variation of the shape of the statolith. This is a useful tool to know the temperature factor during embryonic development by comparing with the shape of the hatchling's statolith.


The research also has more immediate clinical promise for efforts to turn embryonic stem cells into other types of tissue, to treat conditions such as diabetes and Parkinson's.


Toxic effects of twelve pesticides(abamectin, endosulfan, diflubenzuron, danitol, tricyclazole, fluroxypyr, imazalil, tebuconazole, sulfapyridine, sulfamethoxazole, sulfamethazine and sulfadiazine)at low concentration(0.01mg·L-1) on the development of sea urchinembryos were investigated in this work, and the correlation between n-octanol/water partition coefficientand relative lethality rate was investigated.


The suspensor is developed fully at the stage of globular embryo and consists of 3 cells, which are degenerated later. The organization and development of the female flower and the type and synchrony of embryogenesis in Betulaceae are also discussed.


Endoscopic Describing the type of development of a plant embryo in which the inner cell formed by the first division of the zygote develops into the embryo, while the outer cell develops into the suspensor.


In the Filicinophyta, Sphenophyta, and Lyophyta the embryo sporophyte produces a footlike structure that remains embedded in the tissues of the parent gametophyte plant, absorbing nutrients like the suspensor of higher plants.

在真蕨门 filicinophyta ,楔叶门 sphenophyta,和石松门 lycophyta 中,胚胎孢子体产生足状结构,仍然包裹于双亲配子体植物内。胚胎吸收营养的方式同高等植物从胚柄那样吸收营养一样。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
