英语人>网络例句>胁迫的 相关的搜索结果


与 胁迫的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Under soil water stress conditions, the photosynthesis rate, water useefficiency and light compensation point of Atriplex canescens obviouslyreduced, and its dark respiration rate weakened. In the treatments in July, theaccumulative and average value of daily Pn from high to low is: light soil water stress>no soil water stress>medium soil water stress>heavy soil water stress, the valueare 7.162μmolm~(-2)s~(-1)、6.106μmolm~(-2)s~(-1)、6.103μmolm~(-2)s~(-1) and 1.761μmolm~(-2)s~(-1), respectively. In the treatments in August, the accumulative and average value ofdaily Pn from high to low is: light soil water stress>medium soil water stress>heavy soil water stress>no soil water stress, the value are 7.378μmolm~(-2)s~(-1)、4.738μmolm~(-2)s~(-1)、1.794μmolm~(-2)s~(-1) and 1.705μmolm~(-2)s~(-1), respectively.


It is the key factor regulating programmed cell death in pathogen,evocator and hormone responses.H_2O_2 has also been proved to play the signal role in defensive response to environmental stresses.H_2O_2 is known of directly regulating the expressions of numerous genes and some of these genes relate to plant defense and hypersensitive response.H_2O_2 also interacts with other signal systems,especially hormone signal system,and forms upstream or downstream components of hormone-mediated signal-transmitting passageways;more importantly,H_2O_2 also work to exert influence on or modify other secondary signals such as calcium signal between which and H_2O_2 many interactions take place;and both of these two signals regulate interactive tolerances of plants.


Beijingensis under three droughttreatments, normal, moderate and severe stresses. The results showed:(1) the canker disease ofboth cultivars was serious gradually with increased drought;(2) the bark tissue cells sufferedplasmolysis, more evident with the severity of drought stress;(3) under the drought andinoculation with B. dothidea, cells of two cultivars damaged at different degree, mailyrepresented in the changes of organelles, such as chloroplast swollen and distorted, number ofmitochondria increased and membrane system indistinct; then organelles suffered furtherdamagement with inoculation time, thinned mitochondrias stroma, decreased cristae, crumpledand partly broken membrane of chloroplasts with stroma exosmosis. At last, the chloroplastspartly disorganized;(4) the hyphae growed mainly intercellular in resistant cultivar and notonly intercellular but also intracellular in susceptible cultivar, which directly caused thenecrosis of cells;(5) under the severe drought, the damage of cells enhanced the infection ofpathogen and drought and pathogen stressed together and promoted the disease development;the damage from pathogen on cells was more serious than that from drought.


The results showed that the photosynthetic rate of B.stamineus decreased with the increasing of the drought gradient,but the decrease amplitude was less.The photosynthetic rate of B.inermis decreased indistinctively with the increasing of the drought gradient in the prometaphase,decreased distinctively in the later stage.

结果表明:美国无芒雀麦的光合速率基本上随着干旱梯度的增加而逐渐下降,在不同胁迫天数间也逐渐下降,但下降幅度较小;本地无芒雀麦各干旱处理光合速率在胁迫前中期随胁迫梯度的增加下降不明显,到胁迫后期才表现出较为明显的下降趋势,但在各胁迫天数间差别不大,仅在胁迫第20 d各处理光合速率较之前有较为明显的降低。

He sets out to prove that to punish the mad, the infant child or those who break the law unintentionally or under duress or even under 'necessity' must be inefficacious; but all that he proves is the quite different proposition that the threat of punishment will be ineffective so far as the class of persons who suffer from these conditions is concerned.

他试图证明惩罚疯子、法定未成年人或在受到胁迫的情况下无意识地乃至在"紧急避难"的情况下触犯法律的人[MSOffice1] ,必定毫无效果。但是,其所证明的却是这样一个完全不同的命题,即惩罚的威吓对那些处于此类状况下的人不起作用。

The differentiation states of costae indicates the ways they absorb and transport water, and their ability adapting to the dry conditions, which was elucidated by the following examples: Brachythecium plumosum, because of its thin cell-walls in the costae and the absence of hydrome, assistant and steroid cells, can absorb water and nutrition under shady and moist conditions; Plagiomnium rostratum, though often grows in shady and wet condition, has hydrome and steroid cells, a feature similar to those of xeric mosses, which endows it to grow in the conditions with periodical drought stress during its life cycle; Hygrohypnum luridum is characterized by its slender leaves with only one layer of cells, the thin cell-walls, the absence of filaments on the leaf surface, and the fewer layer cells in the costae, the absence of hydrome and steroid cells. These features make it adaptable to aquatic environments. For Pogonatum inflexum and Atrichum undulatum, their ventral surfaces covered with lamella, while for Racomitrium japonicum, Thuidium cymbifolium, Macromitrium ferriei, Diphyscium fulvifolium, Barbula unguiculata and Ceratodon purpureus, their leaves are strongly mammillose or papillos. Such appendiculate structures made them adaptable to thy conditions.

例如,荫湿生环境下的羽枝青藓Brachythecium plumosum,其中肋细胞胞壁较薄,无导水主细胞和副细胞的分化,也没有厚壁细胞分化,能够在阴湿环境下吸收水分和养分;钝叶匍灯藓Plagiomnium rostratum具有与旱生藓类植物相似的中肋结构,叶片较厚,中肋具导水主细胞,中肋背面具厚壁细胞,这些特点使该种藓类植物能够分布于间隙性干旱胁迫的环境中;水灰藓Hygrohypnum luridum叶片纤细柔弱,仅1层细胞,细胞胞壁薄,叶表无附属结构,中肋细胞层数少,无导水主细胞分化,也没有厚壁细胞,这些特点使得水灰藓'能够生长在水生环境中;东亚小金发藓Pogonatum inflerum和波叶仙鹤藓Atrichum undulatum的叶腹面覆盖着栉片,东亚砂藓Racomitrium japonicum、大羽藓Thuidium cymbifolium、福氏蓑藓Macromitrium ferriei、东亚短颈藓Diphyscium fuhifolium、扭口藓Barbula unguiculata和角齿藓Ceratodon purpureus的叶片表面有乳头状突起或疣状物,这些附属结构使它们能够适应于旱生的环境中。

With aggravation of drought stress, ZXY04P-75 and ZXY04P-201 increased in proline content while that of ZXY03P-173 and ZXY04P-239 increased initially, reaching the peak at the 8th day, then declined. And the rate of net photosynthetic declined notably with the intensity of drought stress, The minimum of decline rate of net photosynthetic is ZXY04P-201. 4. The results of photosynthetic mechanism for 4 Dactylis glomerata L. show: the net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate,stomatal conductance and chlorophyll decreased dramatically, Compared with weak drought resistance ZXY04P-239,the net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and chlorophyll in the leaves strong drought-resistance ZXY04P-201 decreased slowly.


Cerevisiae have found that bZIP proteins play a role in yeast anti-oxidation. at3g51960, the transcription factor found in plants, is highly homologous to that of yeast. To examine the in vivo role of at3g51960, the overexpression and silencing vectors were constructed respectively. By using flower dip-dye, the binary expression vectors, pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960 and pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960Promoter, as well as vectors pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960-GFP and pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960cDNA were transformed to Arabidopsis by Tumefaciens. The transgenetic homozygous Arabidopsis strains have been derived after screening. Analysis on these strains reveals that strains overexpressing at3g51960 gene have higher level of stress resistance, implying a role of at3g51960 in plant stress regulation.

酵母中发现了bZIP家族的转录因子与酵母的抗氧化性相关,植物中的转录因子at3g51960与酵母中的这一转录因子在空间结构上有很高的同源性,为了验证它在体内的功能,本实验构建了过量表达载体和沉默载体,利用花浸染法把农杆菌携带的双元表达载体,pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960,pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960 Promoter和pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960-GFP及pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960 cDNA转入拟南芥,通过多次筛选已经获得了转基因拟南芥的纯合植株,对获得的转基因植株的表型分析发现,在过量表达at3g51960的转基因拟南芥中对胁迫的抗性有一定程度的变化,因此推测at3g51960可能参与植物的抗性调节。

Applied with test of potted plant and measurement absorbency for study response of the contents of photosynthetic pigments of slash pine's half-sib under water stress. There are 7 families comparison with general slash pine. The contents of photosynthetic pigments are mensurated under feebleness water stress while soil water content is 55% to 60% and moderate water stress while soil water content is 35% to 40% and heavy water stress while soil water content is 20% to 25%. The test result indicate that either water grads or families of chlorophyll and chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b and Chla/Chlb and carotenoid and Caro/Chl are mighty notable difference. The Chl and Chla and Chlb and Chla/Chlb little drop from normal soil water to initial water stress. Then drop obvious with increased water stress. The Caro and Caro/Chl little drop firstly from normal soil water to initial water stress,then up in metaphase water stress,after drop in evening water stress. The Chl and Chla and Chlb and Chla/Chlb and Caro of slash pine'half-sib are over general slash pine. The Chl and Chla and Chlb and Chla/Chlb and Caro of 464 and 1027 are over average value of slash pine's half-sib under water stress. The Caro/Chl of 609 and 46 are over average value of slash pine's half-sib under water stress.


The results showed that mild alkali stress (pH 6.0~6.5) promoted plant growth, while severe high pH inhibited both seed germination, photosynthesis and root elongation.


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Ah! don't mention it, the butcher's shop is a horror.


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