英语人>网络例句>肿大 相关的搜索结果


与 肿大 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During42 days' follow-up, none of the children experienced parotid or salivary gland swelling or developed suspected meningism.


Signs include swelling of the metaphysis (the part of the bone adjacent to the joint), pain, depression, loss of appetite, and fever.


Clinical manifestations were fever,anemia,lymphadenitis,hepatolienomegaly,molluscum contagiosum of skin and pneumonia, etc.


Satisfactory pain relief results were obtained when the neurolytic solution encircled the aorta adequately from two sides. The tumorous retroperitoneal lymph nodes shrank markedly with severe necrosis.


Results 33 cases of CTPV were all showed collateral veins, which were biliary collateral veins of the portal vein (n=33), gastric collateral veins (n=25), pancreaticoduodenal region collateral veins (n=14), parumbilical collateral veins (n=2). The collateral veins were appeared as soft tissue density on precontrast scan, with generally no enhancement on arterial phase, but on venous phase, they were appeared as multiple punctuate, strip, nodous or thin reticulate enhanced vessels, which were with tortuous, abnormally dilated, and cavernous in shape.

结果 33例全部显示侧支静脉,其中显示33例胆支、25例胃支、14例胰十二指肠后上静脉和2例脐旁静脉,侧支静脉CT平扫表现为软组织密度影,动脉期一般无强化,门静脉期显示多发点状、条状、结节状或细网状的强化血管影,走行扭曲,异常扩张,呈海绵样改变;22例显示门静脉栓子,14例显示肝脏灌注异常,12例显示胆系改变,25例显示脾肿大

Result The incidence of SNHL in children with symptomatic cytomegalovirus infection is higher than noninfection (82.5%), majority of them was associated with hepatosplenomegaly (77.5%), pneumonia (35%). Patients with congential infection tended to have deformity (32.5%) blood system damage (15%), prematurity (12.5%), biliary tract obstruction (10%), seizures (10%). and sometimes combine with opportunistic infection (7.5%).


Principal symptom is nonsuppurative swelling of one or both parotid glands due to inflammation.


Results:The main clinical features including fever ( 86.7%), lymphnode enlargement( 66.7%), weight loss(40.0%), fungal infection (40.0%), leucopenia ( 53.3%), normocytic and normochromatic anemia(80.0%), thrombocytopenia(40.0%).

结果 :15例患者中发热 13例( 86 。7%),淋巴结肿大 10例( 6 6 。7%),消瘦 6例( 4 0 。0 %),真菌感染 6例( 4 0 。0 %),白细胞减少 8例( 5 3.3%),贫血 12例( 80 。0 %),为正常细胞正常色素性贫血,血小板减少 6例( 4 0 。0 %),骨髓有核细胞增生、浆细胞增多及病态造血,免疫学检查主要为细胞免疫缺陷。

The cardiomyopathy was accompanied by multisystem abnormalities, including the nephrotic syndrome, bilateral sensory neuropathy of the hands and feet, bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, hoarseness, hypothyroidism, splenomegaly, normocytic anemia, and thrombocytosis.


The results showed the CLA diet could reduce the energy efficiency and the white adipose deposition more prominant than the OFO diet. Both dietscould result in liver enlargement.


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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
