英语人>网络例句>肺泡的 相关的搜索结果


与 肺泡的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this report, we analyzed the cellular and noncellular findings of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in 18 cases with IPF, 12 patients with Sar and 9 healthy volunteers as conirols, using immunohistochemicat staining, we also have estimted collagen typeⅠ and type Ⅲ semiquantitatively in transbronchial lung biopsy specimens from 25 patients with IPF and 10 normal lung tissue. The aim of this investigation is to select the criteria for evaluating the disease actiity.


Patients with COPD have similar change of VC and its componentsas the normal subjects after breathing heliox,but the increased rate of ERV is much higher,and this is possibly due Objective:To the chronic overexpansion of pulmonary alveolus.The decreased rate of IC is smaller in COPD patients than that in the normal subjects.


Patients with COPD have similar change of VC and its components as the normal subjects after breathing heliox, but the increased rate of ERV is much higher, and this is possibly due to the chronic overexpansion of pulmonary alveolus.

COPD患者呼吸He -O2 后VC及其组成有健康人相类似的反应,不同的是ERV的增幅比率较健康人要大得多,这可能与COPD肺泡长期处于膨胀状态有关,但IC的减少率又比健康人要小,呼吸He -O2 后IC何以会减少以及COPD组与对照组间的变化率何以存在显著差异?

Expressed as a fraction ofthe minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration preventingmovement in 50% of rats, the amnestic 50% effective dose (ED50)for fear to tone in control rats inhaling isoflurane and injectedwith saline intraperitoneally i.p.

用能防止50%大鼠动反应的最小肺泡浓度的一个分数来表示的遗忘音调恐惧的50%有效剂量( ED50),在吸入异氟醚且腹膜内

In their Clinical Therapeutics article on inhaled insulin for diabetes mellitus, McMahon and Arky (Feb. 1 issue)1 report that short-term studies in animals have not shown a substantial effect on cell-proliferation indexes in the alveolar or bronchiolar areas of the lung.

他们发表的关于吸入胰岛素治疗糖尿病的临床治疗文章中,McMahon and Arky 1 报道说短期的动物实验显示对肺泡和肺细支气管的细胞增殖并没有显著影响。

In their Clinical Therapeutics article on inhaled insulin for diabetes mellitus, McMahon and Arky (Feb. 1 issue)1 report that short-term studies in animals hae not shown a substantial effect on cell-proliferation indexes in the aleolar or bronchiolar areas of the lung.

他们发表的关于吸入胰岛素治疗糖尿病的临床治疗文章中,McMahon and Arky 1 报道说短期的动物实验显示对肺泡和肺细支气管的细胞增殖并没有显著影响。

In order to verify that free radical damage and pulmonary surfactant deficiency may be two of ARDS major mechanisms, we used ARDS animal model to proceed to a prevention and treatment test of ARDS model by pulmonary delivery, results of animal study showed that the drug preparation can evidently reduced the mortality and pulmonary edema of model animals . Animal tests had showed that the drug preparation has no abnomal toxity.


METHODS Low-dose Peth 0.01, 0.1 and 1 mgkg^(-1) were given iv 10 min before guinea pigs inhaled 75% cigarette smoke 60 mL. Then, the changes in airway resistance R(subscript aw, dynamic lung compliance C(subscript dyn and vascular permeability in airway tissues were observed. The total leukocyte and the differential leukocyte in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and nitric oxid e content in BALF were investigated after guinea pigs given iv Peth 0.1 mgkg^(-1) 10 min before cigarette smoke inhalation and consecutively inhaled 360 mL smoke in 2 h.

观察Peth 0.01,0.1和1mgkg^(-1)对豚鼠自主吸入75%香烟烟雾(含25% O2)60mL后,气道阻力和肺动态顺应性变化的影响及气道组织血管通透性变化的影响;观察Peth 0.1mgkg^(-1)对豚鼠2h内分6次吸入(共360mL)75%浓度的香烟烟雾后,支气管肺泡灌洗液中白细胞总数和分类计数改变的影响,测定BALF中一氧化氮含量。

In Group B, the value of cell and acellular component were similar to those reported in references.


The study of Curcumine on oleic acid-induced acute lung injury in rats During the experiment, acute lung injury was induced by oleic acid in rat. The changes of dynamic lung compliance were recorded by anrise2005 pulmonary function test apparatus, light microscope was used to examine histological changes and lung index as well as wet to dry weight ratio was calculated by weighting method.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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