- 与 肥胖 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Obesity can lead to diabetes, heart attacks and a myriad of other problems.
ABER can ameliorate rat obesity induced by high fat probably through the mechanism of modulating lipid metabolism and accumulation.
Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that older age, longer diabetes duration, central adiposity, increased height, higher fasting serum glucose, albuminuria and aboriginality were significant independent positive predictors of prevalent neuropathy, while systolic blood pressure and fibrate use (odds ratio 0.30, 95% CI 0.10-0.86; p=0.025) were negatively associated.
多样本回归分析表明,年老、较长的糖尿病患病时间、中心型肥胖、体重增加、高的空腹血糖、蛋白尿和原始状态是普遍的神经病变的重要独立的阳性预测指标,而收缩压和菲诺贝特使用(优势率0.30, 95% CI 0.10-0.86; p=0.025)是不相关的。
The high rate of absenteeism in obese kids is due to bullying and stigma from their classmates.
In two NIH-funded studies published this week in the journal Nature, the scientists report that the relative abundance or ratio of two of the most common groups of gut bacteria is altered in both obese humans and mice.
Many overweight and obese people are metabolically healthy, while large numbers of slim people have health problems typically associated with obesity, a new study shows.
Dr. Hart's team sought to determine whether alcohol and obesity acted together to increase the risk of liver disease, and analyzed the incidence of liver disease for normal, overweight, and obese men who were nondrinkers; drinkers of 14 or less units (measured at 8 g ethanol per unit) of alcohol per week; or drinkers of 15 or more units per week.
Hart 博士领导的研究小组试图确定酒精和肥胖共同作用是否会增加罹患肝病的风险,并分析了不饮酒、每周饮酒≤ 14个单位酒精(每个单位约合8 g 乙醇)或每周饮酒≥ 15个单位的体重正常、超重或肥胖者的肝病发生率。
Objective To study the prevalence of overweight and obesity of primary school students in Zhangjiakou, and to provide bases for preventions.
目的 了解张家口市区小学生超重、肥胖情况,为小学生原发性肥胖的防治工作提供依据。
The subsequent demonstration that the profound hyperphagia and obesity of ob/ob mice results from autosomal recessive mutation of the gene encoding leptin11, a hormone secreted by adipocytes, provided compelling evidence of a second adiposity signal.
ob/ob老鼠深刻hyperphagia和肥胖病起因于基因内码leptin11的autosomal隐性变化的随后示范, adipocytes藏匿的激素,假设第二个肥胖信号的确凿的证据。
"Women who are obese after menopause have a 50% higher relative risk of breast cancer," notes Thun, and obese men have a 40% higher relative risk of colon cancer?.
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