英语人>网络例句>肠气胀 相关的搜索结果


与 肠气胀 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, acupuncture on Qimen(Liv14) and Riyue(GB24) could relieve right upper abdominal pain, borborygmus, jaundice, indigestion and vomiting.


Distend and acute underbelly long range pain is the portent developing cecitis and enterelcosis.


Clinical manifestations are soreness on epigastric region, decreased appetite, distention after meal and eructation. It belongs to "epigastric pain" and "Stomach Pi syndrome" in TCM with characteristics of repetition and pertinacity. In 1978, WHO listed chronic atrophic gastritis as precancerous lesions of gastric cancer because its complications of intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia are closely related to gastric cancer. This has been a research focus in clinical practice and pathology for years.

临床主要表现为上腹隐痛、食欲减退、食后饱胀、嗳气等,属中医学"胃脘痛"、"胃痞"等范畴,具有反覆发作、迁延难愈的特性。1978年WHO将慢性萎缩性胃炎列为胃癌的癌前状态,而在其基础上伴发的肠上皮化生(Intestinal metaplasia,IM)和域异型增生(DYSplasia, DYS),则与胃癌的发生关系密切,被视为癌前病变(Precacerous lesions Of gastric cancer, PLGC)多年来始终是临床及病理学研究的重点。

More serious causes of flatulence can be digestive disorders such as gastroenteritis or irritable bowel syndrome.


Generally people who don't care about what they eat, where they eat, and how clean is the food they are eating suffer from flatulence and ibs.


Peppermint Oil is very popular for relieving upset stomach, indigestion, flatulence, symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and travel sickness.


The vegetable kingdom suggests that humans choosing to ascend de-parasite and in particular if your digestion has been weak most of your life, such as those prone to constipation or irritable bowels, or if you have suffered from ongoing and excessive gas and flatulence due to a tendency to ferment food rather than digest it properly.

蔬菜王国建议人们选择驱逐寄生虫,尤其当你的消化系统十分虚弱,例如便秘和肠易激综合症( irritable bowel syndrome ,简称 IBS ,是指一组包括腹痛、腹胀、排便习惯改变、粪便性状异常等临床表现的症候群,持续存在或间歇发作,无明显形态学和生化学异常改变,属于慢性/亚慢性胃肠功能紊乱),或者说你正在忍受着肠胃气胀。

Other references show that colic was treated with hyoscyamus, which is still used today, and that cumin and coriander were used as intestinal carminatives.


Other references show that colic was treated with hyoscyamus, which is still used today, and that cumin and coriander were used as intestinal carminaties.


Another major benefit of artichoke leaf extract is the discovery of its role in dyspeptic syndrome (irritable stomach, nervous gastropathy, meteorism and flatulence, irritable colon functional biliary tract disease).


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