英语人>网络例句>肉桂 相关的搜索结果


与 肉桂 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tea, rou radices, clinical doctors, more like using radix aconiti lateralis praeparata and treatment of iciness mostly very well, but due to certain toxicity, lateral must be under the guidance of safety.


Results: It had obvious effect of growth inhibition on bacteria.


The author has studied the kinetics of hydrogenation of a,β-unsaturated aldehydes andketones such as cinnamaldehyde and 2-butylene cyclopentanone,β-ionone over amorphousalloy NiB catalyst at atmospheric pressure of H2 as well as effects of reaction conditions onthe kinetics.


Wattalapam is a rich pudding of Malay origin made of coconut milk, jaggery, cashew nuts, eggs, and various spices including cinnamon cloves and nutmeg.

wattalapam 是一个丰富糕马来原产椰子奶,糖,腰果,蛋和各种调味品包括肉桂,丁香和肉豆蔻。

In Denmark, a popular New Year's dish is sweetened kale cooked with cinnamon.


Through treating 10-20 min with 60-80 times water dilution of the optimum formula emulsion, the corrected mortality of the fly eggs which were placed on the fresh kipper reached 100%, and the quality of dried kipper was affected little.


Result] The results showed that the zones of inhibition of ethanol extracts of Cinnamomum cassia Prel, Aucklandia lappa Decne and Kaempferia galanga L. were all more than 3 cm when the mass concentration was 50 mg/ml.

结果]结果表明,肉桂、广木香、山奈乙醇提物对各供试霉菌抑制作用明显,浸膏的质量浓度为50 mg/ml时抑菌圈直径均在3.00 cm以上。

In the test of plate growth rate method with alcohol extracts at 15 mg/ml, the inhibitory rates of alcohol extracts from flos caryophyllata, rhizoma belamcandae, citrus grandis tomentosa, cinnamomi cassiae presl, sophora flavescens ait, aucklandia lappa were over 50%. the inhibitory rates of alcohol extracts from flos caryophyllata and rhizoma belamcandae were 90.00% and 81.25%,respectively.

用生长速率法,以提取物质量浓度15 mg/ml对初次筛选出的7种中草药提取物进一步进行抑菌试验,发现丁香、射干、厚朴、肉桂、苦参、木香的乙醇提取物抑菌率都在50%以上,效果最好的是丁香乙醇浸提物,抑菌率达到90.00%,其次是射干乙醇浸提物,其抑菌率达81.25%。

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of CAD gene among individuals of loblolly pine, one of the most important paper industrial species in southern United States, were rapidly detected with satisfaction using Wave DNA Fragment Analysis System produced by Transgenomic Company lately.

该研究以美国南部重要的造纸工业用材树种火炬松为材料,利用Transgenomic公司最近推出的WaveR DNA片段分析系统,快速检测肉桂醇脱氢酶基因在个体间的单核苷酸多态性,获得了令人满意的结果。

When sucking on this lolly you'll experience a most tasty flavor of cinnamon, however when your tongue unexpectedly lashes into the embedded chile seeds and pepper...It's time to pray your tastebuds aren't singed for life!!!


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
