英语人>网络例句>职务 相关的搜索结果


与 职务 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Pakistani kitcheners and waiters of our refectory solemnly crowded in front of the TV, and absorbedly watching their president making his last TV declaration. They looked happy, because it is said that more than 90 percents of Pakistani don't like their president.As we all know, Musharraf assumed the reins of government by a coup. So it is not strange that many people hate him, hate the Army who had actualized the coup. A soldier told me that he dared not go out in his Army uniform."Maybe someone will shoot me," He said. Since the former chief of the Army general staff had stole the power, it is reasonable for Pakistani people to pin all the badness of the nation on him.But in my opinion, our former chief of the Army general staff is a little undeserved. Although he wasn't voted, he has done his best to lead his country defeated all kinds of difficulties.


Five, there was a significant difference in overall job satisfaction among faculty with different age, academic rank, and administrative duties.


Fourth, there was a significant difference in service satisfaction among faculty with different age, length of service, academic rank, and administrative duties.


The project principal or participant that commits any act referred to in Subparagraph (4) or (5) of the preceding paragraph may not be promoted to a higher academic rank for five up to seven years under any serious circumstance.


To professional identity of kindergarten teacher majors, there exist such differences as: nature of kindergarten, age of the kindergarten teachers, years of serving as a teacher, the educational background, professional post and salary and so on, which can be seen in the following aspects: 1 the degree of professional identity of kindergarten teachers in non-governmental kindergarten is higher than that of teachers in governmental kindergartens; 2 the degree of professional identity of kindergarten teachers aged between 21 to 25 is the highest, while those aged between 31-40 is lowest; 3 the professional identity of kindergarten teachers who have taught for 2 to 14 years in school is of the highest, while those for 15 to 25 is of the lowest; 4 those whose academic background is intermediate rank are considered to be the highest in the professional identity while those graduated from the junior middle school are regarded to be the lowest, 5those whose professional post ranks second in primary school are the highest level in professional identity, while those whose professional post are of first rank are in the lowest; 6those whose income is between 501 and 1000 RMB are regarded to be on the top in their professional identity while those whose income above 1500 RMB are in the lowest level.


Article 34 Where an applicant or participant forges or changes any application materials, he shall be given a warning by the fund management organ; and if the application for fund thereof has been determined to be granted, the original decision on fund granting shall be annulled, and the allotted funds shall be recovered; in case of any serious circumstance, the applicant or participant may not apply for the National Natural Science Funds or be concerned with the application for the Funds for three up to five years, nor may he be promoted to a higher academic technical rank.


L This position is responsible to ensure that the General Accounting team's data entry and maintenance are in accordance with corporation policies and procedures.


The first thing to do is to acquaint yourself with your new duties and colleagues.


I should find a person act for me when I am out .


As of April 28, 2005, Jiangsu province Suqian City Committee External Propaganda Office director Ma Zhichun has an additional duty: Suqian City Internet commentator.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
