英语人>网络例句>职务 相关的搜索结果


与 职务 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As the consul -general is away, one of the consul s is sitting in for him.


As the consul-general is away, one of the consuls is sitting in for him.


From mid-July, the agency continued Zengcang unit, the proportion of positions has increased by nearly 30 percent, but its share price rise was very small, is worth looking forward to having.


Have no reference to have trouble with hold the position of keep an eye on keep / control one's temper keep one's balance keep one's appointment keep company with keep sb. company keep competition between keep faith keep one's mind on keep/bear in mind keep one's head keep pace with keep a promise keep in touch with sb. keep track of keep one's word keep to the point lay a claim to lay / put / place emphasis on / upon lead the way learn by heart leave sth. out of consideration lose control of lose one's balance lose one's head lose heart lose contact with lose sight of lose one's temper lose faith in lose track of make an appeal to sb. make an appointment with sb. make an attempt to do sth. make the acquaintance of sb. comments on/upon sth.

渴望 求助于某人与------无关与-----闹纠纷担任---的职务照看,留意忍住不发脾气保持平衡守约与-----结交,与-----亲热陪伴某人在------之间进行竞争忠于信仰专注于记住保持镇定与-----并驾齐驱遵守诺言与某人保持联络记录,保持与---联系守信用紧扣主题主张,要求,自以为是着重于,强调领路,带路记住,背过不考虑某事失去对------的控制失去平衡慌乱,惊慌失措失去信心与-----失去联系看不见发脾气失去对-----的信任失去----的线索向某人呼吁某事于某人约会企图做某事结识某人评论把----进行比较控告向某人道歉知识改变命运,思路决定人生!

In school period holds the post the student cadre experiences: In October, 2003 - October, 2005 worked the duty: East school area press corps clerks Self-appraisal: Optimistic open and bright, has the vigor, treats people the enthusiasm, sincere.

在校期间所担任的学生干部经历: 2003年10月—2005年10月工作职务:校东区记者团干事自我评价:乐观开朗,有活力,待人热情,真诚。

So, I choose correlated with the Production Management as my first job.


Carter, I am writing to apply for the position of Cost Accountant in your Corporate Accounting Department.


Carter, I am writing to apply for the position of Cost Accountant in your Corporate Acc...


They were also able to prevail on the president, who was appointed to the supposedly ceremonial role by parliament, to countermand the cabinet's order to sack General.


Used as a courtesy title before the surname, full name, or professional title of a man, usually written in its abbreviated form


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
