英语人>网络例句>职务 相关的搜索结果


与 职务 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On Friday the Archdiocese of Philadelphia said it had found "credible evidence" that 35 priests sexually abused children over five decades and that it had relieved several of them of their duties.


On the other hand, it is stated that his cousin, Robert Cromwell, vicar of Battersea under the cardinal, gave Thomas the stewardship of the archiepiscopal estate of York House.


The crime by takingadvantage of duty includes illegal arrogation to oneself,use(embezzlement,misappropriation and abuse)and so on.


Your assignment is our business...


Notice in today's Gospel we have the story of the rich man and the unjust manager. Here we find the rich man commending the manager for his astuteness in providing for his future; for the children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light!


This is on top of the regular job and means TelePresence meetings at all hours.


Leitourgeo {li-toorg-eh'-o} from 3011; TDNT - 4:215,526; v AV - minister 3; 3 1 to serve the state at one's own cost 1a to assume an office which must be administered at one's own expense 1b to discharge a public office at one's own cost 1c to render public service to the state 2 to do a service, perform a work 2a of priests and Levites who were busied with the sacred rites in the tabernacle or the temple 2b of Christians serving Christ, whether by prayer, or by instructing others concerning the way of salvation, or in some other way 2c of those who aid others with their resources, and relieve their poverty

相关经文回前一页 3008 leitourgeo {li-toorg-eh'-o}源於 3011; TDNT - 4:215,526;动词 AV - minister 3; 3 1 自行支付来从事公职 1a 担付必须要自行支付所需的职务 1b 从事要自己花费的公职 1c 处理公众的事 2 进行服事,完成工作 2a 指祭司和利未人,他们在圣幕或圣殿中负责关於神的仪礼 2b 指基督徒对基督的服事,不论是祷告,教导别人有关救恩的道理,或是其它的方法 2c 指那些运用自己的资源来帮助别人,减轻别人的匮乏的人

I would offer her a top management job at the double, only she has a powerful one already.


IT and Rob Atkinson of innovation foundation president say, letting the person in the technical industry that has global competition experience hold the position of this post is very important.

信息技术和创新基金会总裁Rob Atkinson说,让具有全球竞争经验的技术行业中的人担任这个职务是很重要的。

I'm attaching one that does to this post.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
